by Alejandro Juanillo | May 28, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Welcome to the Club featuring Alma Cortes
Host Alejandro Juanillo

Host Alejandro Juanillo talks with the club advisor, Alma Cortes and Social Media and Historian for the club, Samantha Wigglesworth about how the Child Development Club is a fun experience for anyone interested in joining, and learning more about what the practice is. The club meets every Tuesday from 12:45pm at the Child Development Academic Department Building in room 6401A.
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by Alejandro Juanillo | May 20, 2019 | Clubs, CULTURE, FEATURED, PROFILES, Spring 2019
Game Dev Club
By Alejandro Juanillo

Host Alejandro Juanillo explores the Game Dev Club of Pierce College who try to learn how to develop video games.
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by Alejandro Juanillo | May 20, 2019 | CULTURE, DOCUMENTARIES, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Community College
By Alejandro Juanillo
Host Alejandro Juanillo explores the big question if Community Colleges are worth attending.
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by Alejandro Juanillo | May 6, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Welcome to the Club featuring Derek Laam
Hosted by Alejandro Juanillo

Host Alejandro Juanillo talks with club vice president, Derek Laam, about how the Chinese Club is a fun experience for anyone interested in joining, and learning more about the Chinese culture. The club meets every Friday from 2:30-4pm at Room 1103.
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by Alejandro Juanillo | Apr 22, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Welcome to the Club featuring Dani Nabholz
Hosted by Alejandro Juanillo

Host Alejandro Juanillo talks with club president, Dani Nabholz, about how the Veterinary Sciences Club is a fun experience for anyone interested in joining, and learning more about Veterinary Science. The club meets every Thursday at the Center for Sciences Building, Room 91126 from 5:30-6:30pm.
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by Alejandro Juanillo | Apr 3, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
What Changed featuring Luca Pizzoleo
Hosted by Alejandro Juanillo

On this episode of What Changed? hosted by Alejandro Juanillo, Luca Pizzoleo joins in to talk about the creative process in his work as a filmmaker, and how it all changed his world.
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