Talking Hollywood: The Final Hour

Talking Hollywood: The Final Hour

“Talking Hollywood” featuring Christian Cheock: The Final Hour

Hosted by Daniel Uhlenberg

In this ultimate episode of Talking Hollywood, your trustworthy host Daniel Uhlenberg interviews Christian Cheock – Skills USA winner and Pierce student who produces viral videos with Deshawn Cavanaugh.

Documentary: Voice Acting and You

Documentary: Voice Acting and You

Documentary: Voice Acting and You

Created by Daniel Uhlenberg

The voice acting community has a stigma for being hard to break into. Is that warranted? We get the perspectives of a former Disney casting director, a professional voice actor, and more! Find out how they got to where they are now in, “Voice Acting and You”

Talking Hollywood: Buffalo Brahma Buffalos Brahma

Talking Hollywood: Buffalo Brahma Buffalos Brahma

“Talking Hollywood” featuring Rich McMullen: Buffalo Brahma Buffalos Brahma

Hosted by Daniel Uhlenberg

On this episode of “Talking Hollywood,” host Daniel Uhlenberg chats with Rich McMullen about the unorthodox path McMullen took to enter show business, as well as McMullen’s experience creating his movie, “Buffalonians.”


Podcast: MEME Club

Podcast: MEME Club

Podcast: M.E.M.E. Club

by Daniel Uhlenberg

Daniel Uhlenberg features the “Modern Electronics, Media & Entertainment,” or MEME Club. They enjoy the pleasures of the electronic era such as Smash Bros. tournaments, making esoteric yet contradictorily relatable images and generally doing all this without being face to face.

Listen below to hear the origins of this “anti-persistent” organization. For the club’s facebook page click here and here for their discord link, or email the club directly at [email protected]

Talking Hollywood — From Promise to Practice: A how-to Guide

Talking Hollywood — From Promise to Practice: A how-to Guide

Talking Hollywood featuring Anthony Ficco — From Promise to Practice: A how-to Guide

Hosted by Daniel Uhlenberg

Star actor, director and writer Anthony Ficco discusses his journey from Atlanta to Pierce to the silver screen. If you have ever wondered, “can somebody in my position succeed?” The answer is yes, and the proof is on “Talking Hollywood”

Talking Hollywood: Vince in the Sky with Diamonds

Talking Hollywood: Vince in the Sky with Diamonds

“Talking Hollywood” featuring Vince Calandra: Vince in the Sky with Diamonds

Hosted by Daniel Uhlenberg

On this episode of “Talking Hollywood,” Vince Calandra shares the story of his time on the Ed Sullivan show, including when he stood in for the Beatles’ own George Harrison.