by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | May 28, 2014 | FEATURED, OPINION, SPRING 2014

And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of
On this episode, James and Robert are joined by Jon Klyng to discuss ethics and philosophy for their series finale.
1. And%20Another%20Thing%20-%205.28.14
by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | May 21, 2014 | FEATURED, OPINION, SPRING 2014

And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of
On this episode, James, Robert, and Bernard reminisce about their experience in community college and look forward to transferring.
1. And%20Another%20Thing%20-%205.21.14
by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | May 15, 2014 | FEATURED, SPRING 2014

And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of
On this episode, James, Robert, and Bernard discuss teachers that bring up issues wildly off topic from their curriculum, including anti-GMO pseudo-science, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and other miscellaneous craziness.
Should such teachers be fired? Penalized?
1. And%20Another%20Thing%20-%205.14.14
by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | May 7, 2014 | FEATURED, OPINION, SPRING 2014

And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of
On this episode, James and Robert discuss free will and the philosophy of determinism.
1. And%20Another%20Thing%20-%205.7.14
by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | Apr 30, 2014 | CULTURE, FEATURED, SPRING 2014

And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of
On this episode, James and Robert discuss corporate racism and consumer boycotts.
1. And%20Another%20Thing%20-%204.30.14
by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | Apr 23, 2014 | FEATURED, OPINION, SPRING 2014

And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of
On this episode, James and Robert discuss and dispell myths and misconceptions and delve more into offensive sports mascots.
1. And%20Another%20Thing%20-%204.23.14