[Listen] And Another Thing…To Close the Semester Out – 2013-05-24

Robert Ovan joins James in the studio to reflect on James’ strict rules for good science-fiction.

A laid back show with fun arguing about movies and how to enjoy your college education.

[Listen] And Another Thing…Hollywood Hates Science – 2013-05-17

Hollywood loves making sci-fi movies but rarely put any real science into it. Iron Man is the new George Jetson, bridges defy gravity, space is navigable by light bright, and cop shows seem to think keyboards are for team sports.

Stop defending stupidity with “it’s just a movie!” We need to stop enabling stupid writing and storytelling.

[Listen] And Another Thing…About Lying for a Cause – 2013-04-26

James talks about apologists and pundits who lie to forward their causes or agendas. If their argument were good enough, would they need to lie? Is there even a point to keep talking to some one who uses such tactics? Even when the cause is a good one, is it okay to make up stories?

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Political Craziness – 2013-05-03

James talks about the new NRA president and his “good ol’ boys” mentality. Libertarians are just as bad with their selfish ideals based on Ayn Rand’s Objectivism. But there is one thing he agrees on, ending discrimination laws. Was it okay for a restaurant owner to kick out a gay couple for kissing? Was it great when a different restaurant owner kicked out a Congressman who disparaged homosexuals?

Finally, what is the point of the prison system? We should be fixing problems and not merely putting band-aids on society’s ills.

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Standing Up and Speaking Out – 2013-03-22

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Standing Up and Speaking Out – 2013-03-22

James talks about an update in the Stubenville, Ohio teen rape trial and its coverage in the media and reaction from the public.

When is it okay to speak up against what you think is immoral or just plain wrong? Should you correct a teacher you respect? Comment on Facebook posts?

Is it true everyone’s opinion matters? What is so wrong with elitism, with wanting those qualified to do the job to do the job?

[audio:http://[email protected]/podcasts/Spring%202013/And%20Another%20Thing%20-%20Standing%20Up%20and%20Speaking%20Out.mp3]
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[Listen] And Another Thing…On Sexism – 2013-03-11

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Sexism – 2013-03-11

James talks about sexism in our society and patriarchy theory. Women are targeted with with violence on the world stage, and here in the USA the violence is trivialized.

But sexism isn’t only about women. To put women down is to simultaneously put men down as well. Is James “not a real man” for not being the worker in the marriage? To assign strict roles to one group automatically assigns them to all. If women shouldn’t work, men MUST work. If women are supposed to raise children and cook, then a man who does so is suddenly “less” than a man.

[audio:http://[email protected]/podcasts/Spring%202013/And%20Another%20thing%20-%20Sexism%20Pt%201%20-%20Mar%2011%202013.mp3]
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