[Listen] And Another Thing…On Sexism (Part 2) – 2013-03-15

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Sexism (Part 2) – 2013-03-15

James continues his talk about sexism in our society. Sexism is not inherent in people, it is a learned bigotry and starts when we’re very young from the language we’re taught to the toys we’re given to play with. Video games gives insight into how we view women, even when we think it’s positively. Also, when someone tries to give you the “facts” on gender differences, it’s mostly pseudoscience.

[Listen] And Another Thing…About the Pope – 2013-02-25

[Listen] And Another Thing…About the Pope – 2013-02-25

James talks about the Pope and the issue of pedophilia in the Catholic priesthood. Why isn’t there a bigger outcry about it? Why is this pope being allowed to simply resign without any call for criminal prosecution? Or rather, why are all calls for prosecution from fringe groups and not taken seriously with world governments?

What do you think can and should be done? How can we broach the issue without making it about religion itself which only serves to subvert the real issue of children being hurt?

Also, James talks about a speech given by philosopher Alan Watts on money and happiness.

[Listen] And Another Thing…About Gun Control – 2013-02-11

James rants about the craziness infected both sides of the gun control issue that is polarizing the country. Neither side in politics is getting anything right and the real issues are being pushed aside to further political agendas and placate constituents.

What side of the issue do you fall on? Or do you want to cut through the partisan bull also?

[audio:http://[email protected]/podcasts/Spring%202013/AAT%20Episode%201%20Feb%2011%202013.mp3]
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