by Monica Vigil | Jun 4, 2018 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2018
Radio Marathon: June 1, 2018
Hosted by Victor Rodriguez and Monica Vigil
Listen to our 5-hour broadcast of back to back content including musicians, poets, interviews, and all types of fun! The 3 audio files are in chronological order from the start of the marathon to the end.
Netta Nakash adjusts her sheet music. Photo by Mohammad Djauhari.
Amanda Dyba is interviewed. Photo by Mohammad Djauhari.
Asa Ey performs for the second time at the radio marathon. Photo by Mohammad Djauhari.
Alyesha Wise reads her poetry. Photo by Mohammad Djauhari.
Serena Foster plays the piano and sings. Photo by Mohammad Djauhari.
Karla and Amanda Montoya are interviewed. Photo by Monica Vigil.
Joselyn and Jasmine Yang are interviewed and perform. Photo by Mohammad Djauhari.
Jim Long plays guitar and sings. Photo by Monica Vigil.
Check out the Fernando Pey rap, Serena Foster sing, and Alyesha Wise read poetry by clicking below!
The following audio files contains performances by musicians Asa Ey, Amanda Dyba, and Netta Nakash.
Listen to the final stretch of the marathon with an interview with Karla and Amanda Montoya, music from Joselyn and Jasmine Yang, a performance by Michael Kaiser, and tunes from Jim Long.
by Monica Vigil | May 11, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
“Love, Women” featuring Karla Montoya Sr., Karla Montoya Jr. and Amanda Montoya: The American Dream
hosted by Monica Vigil

On this very special episode of “Love, Women” host Monica Vigil interviews her very own mother, Karla Montoya, about her journey as an immigrant from Nicaragua and how being in the United States has always been something she’s grateful for, even when the country doesn’t seem to welcome her. Monica’s sisters Karla and Amanda Montoya also share their experiences as girls growing up in 2018 and the way they’re treated.
Music by HappyPuppyRecords
by Monica Vigil | May 3, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
“Love, Women” featuring Courtney Coles: Say Cheese
Hosted by Monica Vigil

On this episode of “Love, Women” host Monica Vigil is joined by award-winning photographer Courtney Coles to discuss her experience as a black female photographer and how shooting photos of her community and her nude body have affected her art and the way she looks at it. Courtney also speaks about her aspirations and what a career behind the camera has taught her about herself.
by Monica Vigil | Apr 26, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
“Love, Women” featuring Jae’lyn Godoy: She’s Nontstop
Hosted by Monica Vigil

On this episode of “Love, Women” host Monica Vigil connects with Jae’lyn Godoy, discussing opening an all-black law firm, how little hours are in a day and a little pinch of self reflection.
by Monica Vigil | Apr 19, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
“Love, Women” featuring Olympia LePoint: Women in STEM
Hosted by Monica Vigil

On this episode of “Love, Women” host Monica Vigil is joined by award-winning rocket scientist, talk show host, TED speaker and author Olympia LePoint. Olympia recaps her educational journey, including a moment of inspiration the first time she visited NASA Jet Propulsion Library in Pasadena, the many math classes she failed, and how eventually she used science and faith to reshape her brain to get to where she is now. The two also talk about Olympia’s radio show and a TV show she is beginning to film with the same name: Answers Unleashed.
Music by HappyPuppyRecords.
by Monica Vigil | Apr 12, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
“Love, Women” featuring Randi Love: Diversity in the Newsroom
Hosted by Monica Vigil

On this episode of “Love, Women” host Monica Vigil is joined by the Editor in Chief of the Roundup News, Randi Love, who discusses the responsibility she feels to step her game up as a black female journalist so that other young women of color see themselves in the newsroom. They also discuss why they think there are so many female journalists in Pierce’s newsroom despite the statistics, and ethnic diversity improvements that can be made within Pierce’s Media Arts Department.