by Olympia LePoint | Oct 16, 2018 | CULTURE, Fall 2018, FEATURED
Answers Unleashed: Healing after sexual abuse or false accusations of it
Hosted by Olympia LePoint

With any type of sexual assault, or the accusations of it, a person is left with picking up the pieces in attempt to regain a “Normal life.” But he or she may face deep seated fears about moving forward. In this Answers Unleashed podcast, Olympia LePoint reveals the steps to overcome these painful memories and rise up in strength to assume the position of power.
by Olympia LePoint | Sep 11, 2018 | CULTURE, Fall 2018, FEATURED
Answers Unleashed: Walk Into Your New Life Chapter
Hosted by Olympia LePoint

Often in your life, you will feel lost when a job ends, when the relationship dissolves or when you end some major part of your life. Moving forward when you do not know your options can seem terribly overwhelming. This feeling is a natural part of a New Chapter phase. In this episode, Answers Unleashed Host Olympia LePoint reveals the process to bridge your old chapter with your new one, so you can move forward. After listening, your new chapter begins.
by Olympia LePoint | May 22, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
Answers Unleashed featuring Chris Wolfe:Reporter Chris Wolfe Exposes REAL News
hosted by Olympia LePoint

What happens when you see a tragic event? Will it break you? Or will it transform you into the person you are designed to become? News reporting impacts people around the globe. News can inform and empower. However, some tragic stories can do the opposite. Tragic stories can change people’s lives forever. One such incident would change one young boy’s life into positively impacting millions of lives four decades later. KTLA News Reporter, Chris Wolfe is an Emmy Award nominated journalist who has made a personal vow to help people positively transform with KTLA News Broadcasts. When Chris Wolfe was 11 years old, he saw an event that would change the way he viewed the world and his role in it. Soon after, he found himself passionately pursuing journalism and mastering live on-air opportunities to deliver the transformational “Wolfe Style News” that millions of people seek. Listen to this episode hosted by Olympia LePoint to find out how you can be positively transformed by the news stories that you watch.
by Olympia LePoint | May 22, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
Answers Unleashed: How to be an Astronaut
Hosted by Olympia Lepoint

What does it take to become an astronaut? How much training is needed? What degrees are needed? How do you know if you are “astronaut material?” In this episode, Olympia LePoint answers these questions. Originally based from a listeners email to the show, Olympia LePoint reveals far more than what most people know. If you think that being an astronaut is defined by being selected as one, you will learn that the selection is just one step of many steps to come. If the selected people learn to navigate through the real-life physical and emotional demands, a person may still never experience Space. Tune into talk show host Olympia LePoint, in Part 1, of this episode, to learn about the world of “professionally launching yourself into space.”
by Olympia LePoint | May 22, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
Answers Unleashed: Attractive People
Hosted by Olympia Lepoint

Can your “good looks” open doors for you? Do attractive people find it easier to be hired and promoted? Can your looks be an asset to you? Yes or No? In this episode, Olympia LePoint shares about the process it takes to become an attractive. person This episode deals with a new concepts of attraction that may blow you away with how your looks can impact more that the people who you are around. In fact, Olympia LePoint shares about the person who benefits most by your attractiveness. And this person may not be who you expect. Listen to this episode to find out more.
by Olympia LePoint | May 1, 2018 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2018
“Answers Unleashed” featuring Danielle Bisutti: Stay in Hollywood and Book Great Host
Hosted by Olympia LePoint

Have you moved to Hollywood to become an entertainer but struggle in booking great work? Do you wish to have a thriving career in TV and film but face stiff competition? Do you need inspiration to keep moving forward as an entertainer? If so, you are in the right place. Veteran Hollywood actress, Danielle Bisutti – seen on ABC, CBS – is here to offer tips on how to stay in Hollywood and love what you do! Join Olympia LePoint as she interviews Danielle Bisutti. Listen to Danielle’s personal story as she reveals the ways she navigated through the entertainment business, offers news on her current projects, and gives tips for new entertainers to inspire many.