by Olympia LePoint | May 24, 2017 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2017

On a very special episode of Answers Unleashed host Olympia Le Pointe is joined in studio by guest hosts Thorp Klumph and Taylor Thibodaux from Olympia defines metaphysics and delves into the different areas of the subject, answers questions from callers and opens up the discussion with her guests.
by Olympia LePoint | May 24, 2017 | CULTURE, Spring 2017
Knowing Self Worth

Olympia LePoint answers a caller’s question about how to handle a tough situation at work and a tough situation in a relationship. Olympia’s answer may surprise you and it unleashes a self worth that will help many people know their power.
by Olympia LePoint | May 24, 2017 | CULTURE, Development Tools, FEATURED, Spring 2017
Linda Slade

Voice coach Linda Slade sits down with Olympia LePoint to share the ways that anyone can become a powerful presenter. As a executive speech coach and author, Linda Slade answers callers questions on how to express themselves with pure ease!
by Olympia LePoint | May 10, 2017 | CULTURE, Spring 2017
Learn to Become a Professional Speaker

May people want TED talks and want to become a Ted speaker or a professional speaker. But there is a method to understanding the business behind speaking. Listen toOlympia LePoint as she shares what it takes to become a professional speaker and get paid for the knowledge that you share.
by Olympia LePoint | May 10, 2017 | CULTURE, Spring 2017
Lesson Learned from Life

Olympia and guest co-host Thorp share the humor lessons learned that allows people to see the true meaning behind certain situations when they happen. Don’t be upset. Don’t be frustrate. Instead listen to he wisdom shared though this episode where major new views are shared for your success.
by Olympia LePoint | Apr 20, 2017 | FEATURED, Spring 2017, TECHNOLOGY
ADC Energy with Henry Lee

The world is facing a severe energy shortage. And Thomas Edison had the answer, but he died before it was revealed. Solar panels can only store so much energy and are being destroyed from Alternating Current (AC) energy as it converts to Direct Current (DC) energy. Power grids are burning out and energy efficiency is being lost. Civilizations rely on electric energy to survive. So the question lies, how do we solve this problem?
ADC Energy has the Answer. ADC Energy was able to complete Thomas Edison’s last invention to offer the world a new branch of energy. Answers Unleashed Host Olympia LePoint interviews Henry Lee, CEO of ADC Energy to discover the new source of energy, a ADC power this able to keep the world from running out of energy. Tune into /podcasts for the full 1/2 hour radio show that describes how this energy works.