by Richard Espinoza | May 28, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Fun with Guns featuring Leann Anderson
Hosted by Richard Espinoza

On this episode of Fun with Guns, host Richard Espinoza talks to Leann Anderson (Calamity Annie) about the presence that women have in Cowboy Action Shooting and shooting sports in general.
1. FunWithGuns_Spring2019_Ep6_mixdown
by Richard Espinoza | May 1, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Fun with Guns featuring Mike McRae
Hosted by Richard Espinoza

Host Richard Espinoza talks with Colt Firearm and Winchester Historian Mike McRae on 19th Century Colt Firearms, and why Colt and Winchester have become icons in the firearm industry.
1. FunWithGuns_Spring2019_ep5_mixdown
by Richard Espinoza | May 1, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Fun with Guns featuring Uwe Bartsch
Hosted by Richard Espinoza

Host Richard Espinoza Interviews Uwe Bartsch AKA Shotgun Boogie on Important tips in gun smithing and the European Cowboy Shooting Scene.
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by Richard Espinoza | Apr 5, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Fun with Guns featuring Jon Sanchez
Hosted by Richard Espinoza

On this episode of Fun with Guns, host Richard Espinoza sits down with guest Jon Sanchez and talks about the history of Cowboy Shooting and Sanchez’s history of Civil War reenactment.
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by Richard Espinoza | Mar 22, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Fun with Guns featuring Mark Romano and Ruby Walker
Hosted by Richard Espinoza

On this episode of Fun with Guns, host Richard Espinoza sits down and talk with Mark Romano (Frederick Jackson Turner) and Ruby Walker (Ruby Jewel) about the interesting field of Cowboy Competitions.
1. Fun%20with%20Guns_Spring%202019_Ep.2_mixdown
by Richard Espinoza | Mar 5, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
Fun with Guns featuring Chad Cheung
Hosted by Richard Espinoza

On this episode of Fun with Guns host Richard Espinoza talks with Pierce College Alumni and competitive shooter Chad Cheung of Cal about the sport of Competitive Shooting.
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