by Steve Lopez | Jun 8, 2019 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2019
IndieWood featuring Neiman Lofton
Hosted by Steve Lopez
On this episode of IndieWood, host Steve Lopez interviews peer film maker Neiman Lofton on his start out in film making and his love for all facets of film making.
by Steve Lopez | Jun 8, 2019 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2019
KPCRadio Spring 2019 Marathon: The Laid Back One
Hosted by KPCRadio

The semestral KPCRadio Marathon is here with a wide assortment of chill performances and eye opening guest.
by Steve Lopez | May 6, 2019 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2019
IndieWood featuring Banjo Carmichael
Hosted by Steve Lopez

On this episode of IndieWood, host Steve Lopez has his first online show with delightful Seattle Filmmaker Banjo Carmichael. They explore his background in stage and how it influenced his filmmaking and his production company that he started with his best friend.
by Steve Lopez | Apr 22, 2019 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2019
IndieWood featuring Andy Aguila and David Legel
Hosted by Steve Lopez

On this episode of IndieWood, host Steve Lopez sits down with Andy Aguila and returning guest David Legel to talk about their upcoming film, “Roses for Mr.s Jacobs”. The film explores powerful themes and controversial subjects which the two aim to spread awareness and start a discussion with this project.
by Steve Lopez | Apr 22, 2019 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2019
IndieWood featuring Christian Ramirez
Hosted by Steve Lopez

On this episode of IndieWood, host Steve Lopez sits down with film maker and photographer Christian Ramirez about his beginning as a film maker and how he progressed and learned to better his skills on Youtube.
by Steve Lopez | Nov 8, 2018 | ENTERTAINMENT, Fall 2018, FEATURED
Indiewood featuring Chris Casey: Lights, Camera, Cinematography
Hosted by Steve Lopez

In this episode of IndieWood host Steve Lopez talks with Cinematographer Chris Casey about cinematography from lights to the composition of what the audience sees on screen.