Speakeasy – 10.31.13 – Wicked Walker

Speakeasy – 10.31.13 – Wicked Walker


Speakeasy is a weekly radio talk show hosted by Matt Gottesman discussing topics about poetry. On this episode, Matt is joined by Daniel Austin Walker, a poet and freelance writer/reviewer for LA Record. The two discussed the methodology of writing as well as connections between language and music.

1. Speakeasy - 10.31.13 - Halloweenie@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/Speakeasy%20-%2010.31.13.mp3″]

The Roundtable – 10.31.13 – Episode 10

The Roundtable – 10.31.13 – Episode 10


The Roundtable is a free-flowing conversation podcast hosted by the co-program directors of KPCRadio.com, Charlie Knapp and Nick McNamara. On this episode, Charlie and Nick are joined by the editors of the RoundUp newspaper, Calvin Alagot, Ray Garcia, and Mohammad Djauhari, and the editor-in-chief of the Bull Magazine Jeremy Nation to discuss all things Halloween and a few stories and memories from the childhood Halloween experiences.

1. The Roundtable - 10.24.13 - Episode 09@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/The%20Roundtable%20-%2010.31.13%20-%20Episode%2010.mp3″]

Beyond the Print – 10.30.13 – Holly Hagan

Beyond the Print – 10.30.13 – Holly Hagan


“Beyond the Print” provides listeners with a roundup each week of all relevant and up-to-the-minute news that affect Pierce College students and staff. Hosted by Roundup editors Michaia Hernandez and Ray Garcia, “Beyond the Print” features guests each week to give listeners a more in-depth look into the biggest news on campus. On this episode, Roundup features editor Monica Velazquez steps in for Michaia Hernandez and is joined by Mohammad Djauhari and Raymond Garcia and guest Holly Hagan to talk about domestic violence awareness, the Roundup newspaper’s photo booth at the Halloween Carnival, the ASO moving to a new room on campus and more.

Read more on http://www.theroundupnews.com

1. Beyond the Print - 10.30.13 - Holly Hagan@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/Beyond%20the%20Print%20-%2010.30.13.mp3″]