Transfer Talk – 11.14.13 – UCLA

Transfer Talk – 11.14.13 – UCLA


Transfer Talk is a talk show hosted by Pierce College Transfer Center Director Sunday Salter to address Pierce College student questions regarding transferring. This episode, Sunday is joined by Patricia Garcia, the assistant director of UCLA undergraduate admissions, to talk about applying to transfer to UCLA, prerequisites, extra-curricular activities and how important they are to your application and more.

1. The Struggle - 11.12.13 - Crave@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/Transfer%20Talk%20-%2011.14.13.mp3″]

The Struggle – 11.12.13 – C Crave and Josh Evans

The Struggle – 11.12.13 – C Crave and Josh Evans

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The Struggle is a weekly independent artist show hosted by Nia Pressley and Taylor Stokes. On this episode, Nia and Taylor are joined by independent hip hop artist C Crave and spoken word poet Joshua Evans to discuss their individual art and the inspiration that brought those pieces of art to fruition.

The Roundtable – 11.14.13 – Episode 12

The Roundtable – 11.14.13 – Episode 12


The Roundtable is a free-flowing conversation podcast hosted by the co-program directors of, Charlie Knapp and Nick McNamara. On this episode, Charlie and Nick are joined by Roundup editors Calvin Alagot, Mohammad Djauhari and Raymond Garcia to discuss classroom pranks, traveling and favorite foods in the Valley.

1. The Roundtable - 11.14.13 - Episode 12@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/The%20Roundtable%20-%2011.14.13%20-%20Episode%2012.mp3″]

Brahmas Live – 11.13.13 – DeAndre Jordan

Brahmas Live – 11.13.13 – DeAndre Jordan


brahmas live

Brahmas Live is a sports talk radio show broadcast live every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. and hosted by Ethan Hanson and Isaiah Anderson. On this episode, Ethan and Isaiah are joined by Pierce football freshman defensive back DeAndre Jordan to discuss the Brahmas’ upcoming game against Oxnard College and talk about what happened against Santa Monica last weekend.

Beyond The Print – 11.13.13 – Campus Safety

Beyond The Print – 11.13.13 – Campus Safety


“Beyond the Print” provides listeners with a roundup each week of all relevant and up-to-the-minute news that affect Pierce College students and staff. Hosted by Roundup editors, “Beyond the Print” features guests each week to give listeners a more in-depth look into the biggest news on campus. On this episode, Roundup photo editor Mohammad Djauhari is joined by news editors Tracy Wright and Genna Gold to discuss the newest issue of the Roundup and the stories displayed in the paper.


1. Beyond The Print - 11.13.13 - Campus Safety@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile listeners: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/Beyond%20The%20Print%20-%2011.13.13%20-%20Campus%20Safety.mp3″]