Turbo – 11.13.13 – Luis Rodriguez

Turbo – 11.13.13 – Luis Rodriguez


Turbo is a weekly talk show discussing Latino issues hosted by Isela Gonzalez. On this episode, Isela is joined over the phone by Green Party California gubernatorial candidate Luis Rodriguez.

1. Turbo - 11.13.13 - Luis Rodriguez@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/Turbo%20-%2011.13.13%20-%20Luis%20Rodriguez.mp3″]

The Memory Dump 64-bit – 11.13.13 – Nothing In Particular

The Memory Dump 64-bit – 11.13.13 – Nothing In Particular


The Memory Dump is a weekly show hosted by Casey Spencer and Aaron Waruszewski of the Pierce College Robotics Club that talks about all things technological. On this episode, Casey and Aaron gave a few updates on all things technology.

1. The Memory Dump 64-bit - 11.13.13 - Nothing In Particular@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/The%20Memory%20Dump%2064bit%20-%2011.13.13%20-%20Nothing%20In%20Particular.mp3″]

The Roundtable – 11.7.13 – Episode 11

The Roundtable – 11.7.13 – Episode 11


The Roundtable is a free-flowing conversation podcast hosted by the co-program directors of KPCRadio.com, Charlie Knapp and Nick McNamara. On this episode, Charlie and Nick are joined by the sports editor of the Roundup Ray Garcia to discuss many topics around the world of sports and a small amount of time spent to whether or not the guys studied in school.

1. The Roundtable - 11.7.13 - Episode 11@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/The%20Roundtable%20-%2011.7.13%20-%20Episode%2011.mp3″]

Feeling Better – 11.7.13 – Struggling With Self Image

Feeling Better – 11.7.13 – Struggling With Self Image


Feeling Better is a weekly talk show hosted by Mariana Khoury that discusses all things psychological. On this episode, Mariana is joined over the phone by Kirsten Haglund, the Miss America winner in 2008 and eating disorder representative for Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center to discuss her own battle with eating disorders, her time spent on the pageant circuit, and common signs to look for in people struggling with eating disorders.

1. Feeling Better - 11.7.13 - Struggling With Self Image@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/Feeling%20Better%20-%2011.7.13%20-%20Struggling%20With%20Self%20Image.mp3″]

Radio Green – 10.23.13 – Benefits of Hunting

Radio Green is a weekly radio show hosted by Oliver Tang that discusses environmental awareness and activism. On this show, Oliver is joined by Chase Werbelow to discuss the benefits of hunting on the environment.

2. Radio Green - 10.23.13 - Benefits of Hunting@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile listeners: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/Radio%20Green%20-%2010.23.13%20-%20Benefits%20of%20Hunting.mp3″]