by Jessica Guarneros | Nov 5, 2013 | CULTURE, FALL 2013, FEATURED

Baby Talk is a prerecorded talk show hosted by Jessie Guarneros that discusses all things babies. On this episode, Jessie is joined by Jeff Reynoldes, a truck driver and aerospace worker, to discuss the controversial Roe vs. Wade court case and its affect on modern-day motherhood.
1. Baby Talk - 11.5.13 - Roe v. Wade@http://ftp.kpcradio
For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/November2013/Baby%20Talk%20-%2011.5.13%20-%20Roe%20v%20Wade.mp3″]
by Nia Pressley and Taylor Stokes | Nov 5, 2013 | ENTERTAINMENT, FALL 2013, FEATURED

The Struggle is a weekly independent artist show hosted by Nia Pressley, Taylor Stokes, and Randall Ware. On this episode, the group is joined by Indigenous Destiny, a local independent musician, who stops by to play us a couple of her songs and perform an in-studio freestyle rap.
1. The Struggle - 10.22.13 - Indigenous Destiny@http://ftp.kpcradio
For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/The%20Struggle%20-%2010.22.13%20-%20Indigenous%20Destiny.mp3″]
by Stephany Marroquin | Nov 4, 2013 | ENTERTAINMENT, FALL 2013, FEATURED

Going Viral is a weekly talk show hosted by Stephany Marroquin that features YouTubers and how they got to where they are today. On this episode, Stephany is joined by Jacob and Josh Fu to talk about their YouTube channel TheFuMusic and play an acoustic song live in studio.
1. Going Viral - 10.28.13@http://ftp.kpcradio
For mobile users:[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/Going%20Viral%20-%2011.4.13.mp3″]
by Bob Lofrano | Nov 4, 2013 | FALL 2013, FEATURED, SPORTS

The Wide World of Brahma Sports is a weekly sports talk show hosted by Pierce College Athletic Director Bob Lofrano and student Ryan Field. On this episode, Bob and Ryan are joined by Matt Hank, strength and conditioning coach, Sara Booth and Darby Schuett of the women’s water polo team and Michael Moreno and Marcus Welsch of the men’s basketball team.
1. Wide World of Brahma Sports - 11.4.13 - Conference Leaders@http://ftp.kpcradio
For mobile listeners: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/Wide%20World%20of%20Brahma%20Sports%20-%2011.4.13.mp3″]
by Nicholas Bocanegra | Nov 4, 2013 | FALL 2013, FEATURED, SPORTS

High School Sports Showcase is a weekly sports show hosted by Nick Bocanegra focusing on high school teams in the San Fernando Valley. On this episode, Nick is joined by Salvador Garcia, coach of the Panorama High School boys’ basketball team to talk about their season, key players and challenges the team will face.
1. High School Sports Showcase - 10.31.13 - Panorama@http://ftp.kpcradio
For mobile users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/High%20School%20Sports%20Showcase%20-%2010.31.13%20-%20Panorama%20Boys%20Basketball.mp3″]