Brahma Sports: Don’t Quit, Keep Throwing
Brahma Sports featuring Jonathan Saavedra: Don’t Quit, Keep Throwing
Hosted by Abdul Ali

On this episode of Brahma Sports, host Abdul Ali speaks with Diana Salonga about her last season on the soccer team and what pierce has meant to her through her journey.
When you’re single and looking, it can be frustrating to hear may people say, “Your soulmate will come along when you least expect it!” Or if you want your relationship with a pre-existing-loved-one to become better, it may be dissatisfying to hear many people say, “You have to work at making your relationship with him/her great.” Both responses may not be effective when you want to experience the best relationship of your life. In this Answers Unleashed episode with Olympia LePoint, you will discover how to turn the focus back on the power that you have to attract the relationship you have always wanted. This episode will reveal how to form the best relationship of all – the one with yourself.
Do you live in a country where you are given voting rights? Is your voice being heard? Are you voting? If not, do you know the right you are leaving behind? In this “Answers Unleashed” episode with Olympia LePoint you will discover how the history of voting in The United States and how the brain shifts when you cast your vote. More importantly, you will learn the shifts that happen in your strength as you learn to speak up for what really counts.