Inside the Game – 12.04.14 – Pierce Baseball and College Coaching Carousel

Inside the Game – 12.04.14 – Pierce Baseball and College Coaching Carousel


On today’s edition of Inside the Game show co-hosts Sholom Druk, Ethan Hanson, and Tyler McGee interview Pierce baseball team’s catcher Casey Ryan and second baseman Quinn Conley about the upcoming baseball season. They also have a breakdown on MLBs offseason, the college football scene, and talk about week 14 of the NFL.

The Memory Dump – 12.04.14 – Jackie Chan hacks Sony, NK takes credit

The Memory Dump – 12.04.14 – Jackie Chan hacks Sony, NK takes credit


The Memory Dump is a weekly talk show cohosted by Casey Spencer of the Pierce College Robotics Club and Simon Tutak about emerging science and new tech gadgets. On this episode, Casey and Simon discuss Jacki Chan‘s accidental contribution to solar power, Sony being hacked and the multiple movie leaks due to the hack, Stephen Hawking joining in with Elon Musk on warning people about artificial intelligence, and Nintendo patenting an app that would work as a gameboy emulator!

The Navigator – 12.03.14 – Gettin’ Hot with Mareo Lawson

The Navigator – 12.03.14 – Gettin’ Hot with Mareo Lawson


The Navigator is a weekly talk show hosted by Katerina Chryssafis that maps the road to musical success. On this episode, Katerina interviews musician and In The Hot Box host Mareo Lawson and gets a look into his journey as a composer and a Army veteran.

Farsi Show – 11.26.14 – Edris and Veysroo Froughi

Farsi Show – 11.26.14 – Edris and Veysroo Froughi


Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On today’s episode, Heni interviews Edris Froughi, a music teacher, composer and voiceover artist who was a singer in the classic music group of Iranian maestro Mohammad Noor, and Veysroo Froughi.

فارسى شو امروز ميزبان يكى از جوانان بسيار هنرمند ايرانيست
نوازنده اهنگساز خواننده گوينده و معلم موسيقى
ادريس فروغى ، سنتور، تار، سه تار گيتار، فلوت،كيبورد و پيانو مينوازد
وى يكى از اعضاى اصلى گروه كلاسيك كر استاد محمد نورى بوده.

San Fernando Vegan – 11.26.14 – The Language of the Unheard

San Fernando Vegan – 11.26.14 – The Language of the Unheard


“A riot is the language of the unheard.” – MLK

San Fernando Vegan is a weekly talk show hosted by Brian and Brandon Hernández that focuses on veganism and activism in the San Fernando Valley. On today’s show, the Hernández brothers are joined by Brit-El Gibson, Executive Producer and white ally Nick McNamara and Program Director Matt Gottesman to discuss the nationwide riots and the social backlashes in response to them.