Farsi Show – 11.12.14 – Fariba Novin

Farsi Show – 11.12.14 – Fariba Novin


Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On Today’s episode, Heni interviews Iranian Pierce College student Fariba Novin.

امروز چهارشنبه دوازدهم نوامبر ساعت ٢:٣٠ دقيقه در KPCRadio.com با من هنگامه عباسى بار ديگر با برنامه ايى ديگر و قصه ايى ديگر همراه باشيد
قصه دختر ايرانى
قصه دخترهايى كه با افسانه دختر شاه پريون و قصه شهرزاد و ماه پيشونى
بزرگ شدند و شكل گرفتند و خودشون قصه ساز شدند
قصه شهامت و پايدارى زنانه
قصه قول زنانه مسؤليت زنانه
و سنت شكنى و بند گسستن هاى زنانه

Inside the Game – 11.06.14 – Bryson Martinez and Wendell O’Brien

Inside the Game – 11.06.14 – Bryson Martinez and Wendell O’Brien


Inside the Game is a sports talk show co-hosted by Sholom Druk, Ethan Hanson and Tyler McGee. On today’s segment, Pierce football players Bryson Martinez and Wendell O’Brien discuss their team’s comeback against rival Valley College as well, look into the coming week of NFL action, and wrap up the show with Heisman predictions.

FearCast – 11.06.14 – The Color of Feminism

FearCast – 11.06.14 – The Color of Feminism


FearCast is the show that tells you what to be afraid of — and what not to. Today host L.J. Williamson is joined by San Fernando Vegan co-hosts Brian and Brandon Hernández and journalist Brit-El Gibson to discuss feminism.

Farsi Show – 11.05.14 – A Cleaner Future with Kambiz Hadjfrossh

Farsi Show – 11.05.14 – A Cleaner Future with Kambiz Hadjfrossh


Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On Today’s episode, Heni interviews Kambiz Hadjfrossh, Ph.D., who has a doctorate from Sheffield University in chemical engineering and studied in metallurgy. He works at a chemical unit at the South Coast Air Quality District. On today’s show, Kambiz explains two sources of pollution, and suggests some alternatives as to how we can reduce it.

تخريب زمين زيستگاه و زادگاهمان
مصرف بى رويه اب، الوده كردن هوا
قطع درختان و از بين بردن جنگل و كشتار بى رويه حيوانات در چنان ابعاديست
كه گويا پس از ما موجود ديگرى حق حيات در اين كره را ندارد و از ان فراتر
ما بر شاخه نشسته و بن ميبريم
ميهمان امروز برنامه من دكتر كامبيز حج فروش هستند و در مورد الودگى هوا و راه مقابله با ان صحبت ميكنند

Dreaming Religion – 11.05.14 – Singing for God with Kaatcya

Dreaming Religion – 11.05.14 – Singing for God with Kaatcya


Dreaming Religion is a religious talk show hosted by Saniya Beoni. On this episode, Saniya interviews singer-songwriter Kaatcya who sings a few songs a capella, and shares her story and a few prayers.