Farsi Show – 10.08.14 – A Symbol of Resistance, Hope, Belief, and Positive Thinking

Farsi Show – 10.08.14 – A Symbol of Resistance, Hope, Belief, and Positive Thinking


Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On Today’s episode, Heni hears a story of strength and some singing from Parichehr, a singer and poet diagnosed with cancer whose husband and son have died.

ميهمان امروز برنامه من انسانيست كه ميتوانيد الگويى باشد براى همه ما
سمبل مقاومت و سمبل شادى
انسانى كه داده هايش را ارج مينهد و با نداشته هايش كنار ميايد
زنى كه تكامل انسانه
زنى كه در برابر غم انگيز ترين و دردناك ترين رويداد زندگيش خم نشد و نشكست
زنى كه تلاش داره بيمارى مرد افكنشو با نيروى باور هايش و اميدهاىش به زانو در بياره
انسانى كه از لحضه هاى زندگى بعنوان يك هديه با ارزش استفاده ميكنه و سعدى وار هر نفسى كه فرو ميرود ممد حيات است
و چون بر ميايد مفرح ذات .
چه باك كه چند ساله است و از كجا امده و يا نامش چيست نامش انسان است انسان انگونه كه بايد بود.
هنگامه عباسى راديو پيرز كالج

Dreaming Religion – 10.08.14 – Humanness and Culture: Religion through the Eyes of Sociologists

Dreaming Religion – 10.08.14 – Humanness and Culture: Religion through the Eyes of Sociologists


Dreaming Religion is a religious talk show hosted by Saniya Beoni. On this episode, Saniya interviews Pierce sociology professor Carlos Batres and Ariel Fernald, who studied sociology as a graduate student at Chapman University, and discusses religion from a sociological perspective.

San Fernando Vegan – 10.07.14 – Anti-fascist Black Metal

San Fernando Vegan – 10.07.14 – Anti-fascist Black Metal


San Fernando Vegan is a weekly talk show hosted by Brian and Brandon Hernández that focuses on veganism and activism in the San Fernando Valley. Today’s show features tracks from an anti-NSBM (anti-fascist black metal) comp titled Crushing Intolerance vol. 1.

In The Hot Box – 10.02.14 – The Silhouette In The Hot Box

In The Hot Box – 10.02.14 – The Silhouette In The Hot Box


In The Hot Box is a weekly talk show hosted by Mareo Lawson dedicated to interviewing local members of the community and reporting news, events, and traffic from the San Fernando Valley’s Hot Box. Today, Mareo co-hosts with The Silhouette’s Ashley Walton.

San Fernando Vegan – 10.02.14 – Brown Excellence, part 2

San Fernando Vegan – 10.02.14 – Brown Excellence, part 2


San Fernando Vegan is a weekly talk show hosted by Brian and Brandon Hernández that focuses on veganism and activism in the San Fernando Valley. On this episode, co-host Hasnaa Rausdeen returns to continue the discussion on Malayalam movies in Brian’s lieu.