Tavian’s Talk of the Town – 09.29.14 – Building Better Buttocks with Crystal Marie

Tavian’s Talk of the Town – 09.29.14 – Building Better Buttocks with Crystal Marie


Tavian’s Talk of the Town is a news show hosted by Tavian Quinn. On this episode, Tavian interviews personal trainer, pre/postnatal instructor and corrective movement specialist Crystal Marie. You can contact Crystal by emailing her at crystalmarie.resch@gmail.com.

Not Just Some Boring Talk Show – 09.25.14 – Muralist Juan Reyes

Not Just Some Boring Talk Show – 09.25.14 – Muralist Juan Reyes

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Not Just Some Boring Talk Show is a weekly show for young adults and adults young at heart. On this episode, host Shawnti Robinson interviews 20-year-old muralist and Valley College architecture major Juan Reyes whose passion for painting led him to a new life. Check out Juan’s Instagram @jpmurals or email him at juan.preyes1994@gmail.com. Follow Shawnti on Instagram @NJSBS.

“You just have to go out there and show people that you can draw, right? So, the first phases are pretty tough, you know, ’cause people don’t actually know what you got … until and your work starts speaking for itself.” -Juan Reyes

Farsi Show – 09.24.14 – Adult Education

Farsi Show – 09.24.14 – Adult Education


برنامه من به اسم فارسى شو با دو ميهمان برگزار شد
ميهمانان من خانم مهناز باغينى و خانم پروفسورريتا نيسان بودند
گفتگوى ما در مورد تحصيل در كالج در سنين بالا تر بود
خانم مهناز كه ٦٢ ساله هستند از تجربه خوبشون در كالج صحبت كردند
اشاره كردند به مشگلاتى كه دارند و إبراز خوشحالى در بودن در كالج
وى اضافه كرد كه بودن در كالج باعث شادى و حس جوانى در أيشان شده
خانم پرفسور نيسان از بودن شاگرد ان مسن تر در كلاسشون إبراز خوشحالى كردند و باور داشتند بودن اين شاگرد ها در كلاس به جو تدريس روحى فعال ميبخشه و تدريس لذت بخش تر ميشه
برنامه با قطعه شعر
ما زنده بر انيم كه ارام نگيريم
موجيم كه اسودگى ما عدم ماست به پايان رسيد.

Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On Today’s episode, Heni interviews Pierce student Mahnaz Baghini and photography professor Rita Nisan.

San Fernando Vegan – 09.25.14 – Addressing Anti-Blackness in Xicana/o and Latinx Communities

San Fernando Vegan – 09.25.14 – Addressing Anti-Blackness in Xicana/o and Latinx Communities


San Fernando Vegan is a weekly talk show hosted by Brian and Brandon Hernández that focuses on veganism and activism in the San Fernando Valley. Today’s segment features professor James McKeever, Ph.D., Chair of the Sociology and Philosophy Departments at Pierce College, how people of African-American and Mexican descent experience the prejudices that can come with being a dual minority.

The Memory Dump – 09.25.14 – iTold You So

The Memory Dump – 09.25.14 – iTold You So


The Memory Dump is a weekly talk show cohosted by Casey Spencer of the Pierce College Robotics Club and Simon Tutok about emerging science and new tech gadgets. On this episode, Casey and Simon discuss a viral YouTube video that shows the new iPhone 6 Plus being molded by hand and Apple’s subsequent stock plummet, recent developments in head transplant medicine, and the upcoming hacking competition in Santa Monica hosted by hackcc.org.

“Apple looks like one of The Three Stooges right now.” -Casey Spencer
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