And Another Thing… Is a “Real” Show – 2.26.14

And Another Thing… Is a “Real” Show – 2.26.14


And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of

On this episode, James and Robert talk about what it mean to be “real.” What is “real” music and what are “real” men and “real’ Americans.

And Another Thing… About Getting Rid of States – 2.24.14

And Another Thing… About Getting Rid of States – 2.24.14


And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of

On this episode, James and Robert talk about proposed plans for breaking up California and which states James thinks could be combined and their new names.

And Another Thing… About Gay Sports and Money – 2.19.14

And Another Thing… About Gay Sports and Money – 2.19.14


And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of

On this episode, James and Robert discuss bigotry in the NFL and society in general, Michael Sam, Richard Sherman, as well as money in the sports industry.

And Another Thing…About Philosophy – 12.2.13

And Another Thing…About Philosophy – 12.2.13


And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of

On this episode, James and Robert discuss philosophy and science and the history of the meanings of those words.

1. And Another Thing...About Cancer - 11.18.13@http://ftp.kpcradio     

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