The Roundtable – 10.15.13 – Episode 07

The Roundtable – 10.15.13 – Episode 07


The Roundtable is a free-flowing conversation podcast hosted by the co-program directors of, Charlie Knapp and Nick McNamara. On this episode, Charlie and Nick are joined by the sports editor of the RoundUp newspaper, Ray Garcia, to answer some “Would You Rather?” questions, compare and contrast Harry Potter and Star Wars, discuss pizza and other foods, and talk the logistics of beard-scaping.

1. The Roundtable - 10.15.13 - Episode 07@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For iPhone/iPad users: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/The%20Roundtable%20-%2010.15.13%20-%20Episode%2007.mp3″]

And Another Thing…About Technology Addiction – 10.14.13

And Another Thing…About Technology Addiction – 10.14.13

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And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of

On this episode, James and Robert discuss the effects of technology on society and how people interact with one another.

1. And Another Thing...About Technology Addiction - 10.14.13@http://ftp.kpcradio     

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The Roundtable – 10.15.13 – Episode 07

The Roundtable – 10.10.13 – Episode 06


The Roundtable is a free-flowing conversation podcast hosted by the co-program directors of, Charlie Knapp and Nick McNamara. On this episode, Charlie and Nick are joined by the sports editor of the RoundUp newspaper, Ray Garcia, to discuss the sports media’s coverage of LGBT athletes, answer a bunch of questions from a book, and discuss the finer things about Las Vegas and drinking in general.

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/October2013/The%20Roundtable%20-%2010.10.13%20-%20Episode%2006.mp3″]

The Memory Dump 64-bit – 10.9.13 – Graphine Is A Miracle, That’s The Tooth

The Memory Dump 64-bit – 10.9.13 – Graphine Is A Miracle, That’s The Tooth


The Memory Dump is a weekly show hosted by Casey Spencer and Aaron Waruszewski of the Pierce College Robotics Club that talks about all things technological. On this episode, Casey and Aaron discuss memory metal, graphine’s role in holographic memory storage, and bringing back a blind man’s sight using his tooth.

1. The Memory Dump 64 bit - 10.9.13 - Graphine@http://ftp.kpcradio     
And Another Thing…About The Shutdown – 10.7.13

And Another Thing…About The Shutdown – 10.7.13


And Another Thing… is a weekly opinion show hosted by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and their guests are strictly their own and do not reflect the opinions of

On this episode, James raises his thoughts and concerns about the government shutdown that resulted from the U.S. Congress’ failure to pass a budget.

1. And Another Thing...About The Shutdown - 10.7.13@http://ftp.kpcradio     

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