[Listen] And Another Thing…On Political Craziness – 2013-05-03

James talks about the new NRA president and his “good ol’ boys” mentality. Libertarians are just as bad with their selfish ideals based on Ayn Rand’s Objectivism. But there is one thing he agrees on, ending discrimination laws. Was it okay for a restaurant owner to kick out a gay couple for kissing? Was it great when a different restaurant owner kicked out a Congressman who disparaged homosexuals?

Finally, what is the point of the prison system? We should be fixing problems and not merely putting band-aids on society’s ills.

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Standing Up and Speaking Out – 2013-03-22

[Listen] And Another Thing…On Standing Up and Speaking Out – 2013-03-22

James talks about an update in the Stubenville, Ohio teen rape trial and its coverage in the media and reaction from the public.

When is it okay to speak up against what you think is immoral or just plain wrong? Should you correct a teacher you respect? Comment on Facebook posts?

Is it true everyone’s opinion matters? What is so wrong with elitism, with wanting those qualified to do the job to do the job?

[audio:http://[email protected]/podcasts/Spring%202013/And%20Another%20Thing%20-%20Standing%20Up%20and%20Speaking%20Out.mp3]
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[Listen] Blank Template – Episode Dos – 3.20.13

Blank Template is a free-flowing podcast-style show that touches on a varying number of topics. On Wednesday’s show, KPCRadio.com’s Charlie Knapp was joined by the RoundUp’s Editor-in-chief Calvin Alagot, Opinions Editor Nick McNamara, News Editor Matt Gottesman, and photographer Monica Salazar to discuss issues surrounding Pierce College students.

2. Blank Template - Episode Dos - 3.20.13@http://ftp.kpcradio