by Eldon Schoop | Dec 4, 2012 | Fall 2012, FEATURED, OPINION
In this episode of The Memory Dump, hosts Eldon Schoop and Casey Spencer are joined by guest host Ali Salamat and special guest Grantland Hall to bring you a factual (!) overview of…the future! The computing industry is changing every day, so what is the next big thing? Is it an iPhone with an even wider screen? Probably not. Is the Raspberry Pi something you should eat? Find out by listening!
by Eldon Schoop | Nov 27, 2012 | Fall 2012, OPINION
Hosts Eldon Schoop and Casey Spencer have decided to turn over a new page and produce the first logical and factual show…but will they be sued by Apple for doing it? Also on the program, what is the future of AMD? And do audiophiles have a point or is it just audiofoolery? Find out by listening!
Clarification: Our Program Director wished to point out that digitally-recorded cassette tapes (and definitely DAT tapes) may suffer from the same sampling rate issues as other digital formats. We just wanted to clarify we were talking about pure analog (i.e. reel-to-reel) tapes when comparing digital media to analog media.
by James DePaola and Robert Hovanisian | Nov 20, 2012 | Fall 2012, OPINION
James is joined by Professor Cara Gillis to talk about veganism and animal rights.
by Victor Chavez | Dec 9, 2011 | Cars, Fall 2011, OPINION
When you are buying a car (like the mg zs), it can be an incredibly exciting time, but it can also be quite difficult to know which brands and models are going to be the most reliable. New vehicles can be costly, which is why many people seem to be looking for good second-hand vehicles instead. The reason for this might be because, for many people, the price of the vehicles has to play a big factor in their decision making. This could just mean that a visit to second-hand car selling websites, like autozin for example, might be necessary for those who are in need of a vehicle but arent looking to spend a fortune.
One good tip is to try and separate fact from fiction when it comes to buying used vehicles, decide whether whatever youre buying is the right decision. Perhaps visiting a car dealership might be a good idea too, this could help you better understand your own budget and even test drive the vehicles. From there, you could then look for second-hand vehicles in your area. However, people need to make sure that they do want a second-hand vehicle. Despite the rise in people purchasing them, other people are still purchasing brand new cars. The choice is completely up to the individual and their price range.
To try and help you out, special guest Carlos Morales will help analyze what should be done when researching a good vehicle to buy. He’ll also put into perspective why this vehicle is right for you and is this vehicle going to be reliable throughout the years? Furthermore, he’ll discuss how to know when the price is right or not! Listen in and give us a chance to change your world when it comes to purchasing used vehicles, whether it be from a lot or a private party, know your stuff! listen in to D.I.Y. Garage- Used Cars