Inside the Game is a sports talk show co-hosted by Sholom Druk, Ethan Hanson and Tyler McGee. On today’s segment, co-hosts Ethan Hanson, Sholom Druk and Tyler McGee. On this episode, the hosts are joined by Malik Johnson from Pierce College’s basketball team to discuss about the start of the season for the Brahmas. Roundup editors Megan Moureaux and Lynn Rosado join the show to talk about this weekend’s rivalry game between UCLA and USC. The group also talked about Sherman Oaks Notre Dame alumnus Giancarlo Stanton signing the richest contract in sports history with the Miami Marlins. The group wrapped the show talking about this weeks NFL slate.
Inside the Game – 11.20.14 – Malik Johnson and the Roundup in the Game
by Tyler McGee | Nov 20, 2014 | FALL 2014, FEATURED, OPINION, SPORTS