Not Your Typical Game Show- 10/5/2016- The Girls Room
The Girls Room
Hidden Tone with Napolean Samad is the show that focuses on shining light on music artists around the valley. In this episode, Napolean interviews Deavion, an alternative singer-songwriter from Alaska. he now resides in Los Angeles to expand and further his music career. Deavion opens up about his musical upbringings through his family, church, and school. He goes on to discuss about some of the highs and lows in his musical journey. To give the listeners a little taste of his voice, Deavion sings an acapella snippet of one of the songs that will be on his upcoming project.
Follow Deavion on Instagram.
This is The Talk Of Tinseltown, where entertainment professionals come in studio to share wisdom, share stories, share their talents and share themselves with you! On this episode of The Talk Of Tinseltown, singer-songwriter Em Rossi joins us in studio to share her music, her discovery and her rapidly climbing fame in the music industry. We talk about her singles, music videos and she gives two in studio performances- “Madness” and “Young Hearts.” Check out the show for the stories, music and more.
Follow Em on Insta, Facebook, Smule, and Xfinity on Facebook.
Hidden Tone is the place where music is exposed, and the artist doesn’t go untold. Your host Napolean speaks with traditonal-blues-inspired soul musician, Nico Franc. Nico shares his journey as an artist, what he’s learned on tour, his struggle, inspirations and much more. Nico can be caught in action at The Study in Hollywood this Thursday, October 6, followed shortly by an EP release. Tune in for the interview, and an intimate live recording of a new song.
Follow Nico online at nicofranc.com and itsnicofranc on Facebook, instagram and more.
Becoming You is hosted by Justin Harris, who finds out who you were, who you are, and who you might become. Justin kicks off his Transition Show “Becoming You” with an up and coming Rapper “Truth”. On this episode Justin will explore the ups and the downs of trying to become rich and famous in the music industry. They will talk about some of the steps he’s had to take as an individual to get to where he is today, and what plans he’s working on for the future.
Talking Tinseltown is the show that brings talent to you over the internet airwaves, imparts wisdom, shares stories and showcases material. The pilot episode features Lauren Carter, a singer-songwriter, model, actress, fashion designer, and philanthropist. Thorp and Lauren discuss humble beginnings, big breaks, fashion launch and her upcoming EP and show at the Hotel Cafe. Lauren and her guitarist, John, give an intimate in-studio performance of her title track, “American Dream.”
Find American Dream on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotify. Follow Lauren on her website, Facebook and instagram.
Geek Speak is a semi-weekly show hosted by Mark Laur that discusses all topics of nerd culture. On this very uncommon and well-aged episode, Mark Laur opens the door to pirates, tattoo artists, Mystical Closet Narrators and more. Back from the void, Geek Speak blasts listeners with all manner of topics- censorship, dinosaur-oriented video gaming, magic shows, Gary, pirate shanties and so much more. Special guests, Tor and Dylan Cronin, play enchanting tunes straight from their album, live in the studio. Tune in and follow Geek Speak for more geekery.
Focus Features pre-recorded interviews created by Team KPCRadio.com hosts. In this Sound Stage feature Jose Hernandez focuses on defining music through wide range of sounds. Jose interviews Jeff Herriott, who is a professor of music at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Jeff talks about how he started learning music early in his youth, and how his mother influenced him play piano. He explains how composing has always been an interest in his life, and how he started teaching as a career. Jeff shares a few songs from of his metal band Realmbuilder, while talking about the origins of the group. He also mentions that he and the members of his band create music simply for the love of it.
For more information. Stop by Jeff’s Website.