Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On today’s episode, Heni interviews Kamal Vahdati, a former Pierce College Student and author of books about success, computer programming, numeric calculations, a collaboration with Aliasghar Ghafarzadeh, a professor from Paris. Kamal is also founder and manager of Day system E-commerce.
كمال وحدتى در برنامه امروز فارسى شو اطلاعات ارزشمندى را با دانشجويان در زمينه كاريابى كارافرينى
طرح وبسايت عنوان ميكند وى نويسنده كتاب هاى درسى در ضمينه رياضيات، كامپيوتر، طراحى و برنامه ريزى كامپيوتر ميباشد.