Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On today’s segment, Heni interviews Amir Fassihi M.D., a neuroradiologist and author of Iran’s Nowruz Revolution. He is an activist advocating nonviolence and civil disobedience through use of monthly Iranian celebrations.
“I see Nowruz and Iranian celebrations as vehicles for societal, cultural and political transformation in Iran.” -Amir Fassihi
امروز فارسى شو ميزبان اقاى دكتر امير فصيحى نويروراديولوژيست و نويسنده كتاب IRAN’S NOWRUZ REVOLUTION ميباشد. با وى به پيشباز نوروز ميرويم و سرى به تاريخ ايران باستان و جشعها و مراسمش مى زنيم پيشاپيش نوروزتان پيروز و پا برجا. هنگامه عباسى فارسى شو.