Painted Brain

Painted Brain

Tristan discusses working in the mental health community.

Local Voices with Isela Gonzalez is a show that focuses on mental health in our community.  On this episode Isela interviews Tristan who represents the organization Painted Brain, which is an organization that works with adult mental health patients. He shares his personal experience with being hospitalized for schizophrenia, and now working with the community through his organization. He mentions that the program offers free classes on songwriting, social media, theatre, art, etc. Tristan also shares that it is open to all adults and is totally free.

En Español

Isela Gonzalez que conduce Las Voices Locales. Que se enfocan en la comunidad. En este episodio  Isela entrevista a Tristan que representa a la organización Painted Brain. Tristan habla sobre su enfermedad de esquizofrenia. En la organización que trabaja ofrecen classes gratis de art, poesía, títeres, teatro, redes sociales, escritor de cansiones, y mucho mas. Para mas información entre a su pagina.


Learn more on their website