by Brit-El Mabourakh | Apr 29, 2016 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED
Culture ‘Cast

New & upcoming films, music, concerts and more rock this episode of Gothropology.
Gothropology is the show that discusses ancient traditions, spirituality and regeneration- the guide to come and take you by the hand into unknown pleasures. On this episode, Brit-El gives a runthrough of upcoming and recently released films, music and other aspects of media and news that are worth her time. Reviews of Sing It Ugly by Those Poor Bastards and Songs To Kill Your Lover To by Rebis in Eden, pre-release insight on The Neon Demon and The Conjuring 2, the return of Twin Peaks, Chelsea Wolfe and other bands on tour, upcoming summer festivals, songs Brit-El dances around to on Spotify and much more. Tune in for a quick, fun 30-minute culture recap and send Brit-El your favorite Satan songs when you’re done!
Follow Brit-El on Spotify, and follow Gothropology on Twitter and Facebook.
As always, listen to the entire uncensored discography on The Belfry Network…. dot R.I.P.
by Brit-El Mabourakh | Apr 13, 2016 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2016
El Jay’s Red Diary

Ladi Saka and El Jay join Taylor in the studio.
The Daily Talk with Taylor Thibodeaux is a show that focuses the positive influences in the local black community. On this episode, Taylor is joined by “urban pop” musicians El Jay and manager Ladi Saka. El Jay talks about his new mixtape, Red Diary, inspired by the women in his life and much more.
You can find Ladi and El Jay on Insta, Twitter and more. Stay tuned for more episodes of the Daily Talk!
by Brit-El Mabourakh | Mar 11, 2016 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, MUSIC, Spring 2016
S.J. Tucker

Insight into the life and mind of the beloved fae-like songstress.
Gothropology is the show that discusses ancient traditions, spirituality and regeneration- the guide to come and take you by the hand into unknown pleasures. Today Brit-El speaks with S.J. Tucker, who is a singer-songwriter of the otherworldly persuasion. Sooj discusses Brit-El divulge their love of Damh the Bard, opening the gates for Sooj’s love of her pagan fans who claimed her as their own, upcoming festival gigs and the soon-arriving Green Album, a collaborative feat including such names as Sharon Knight, Damh the Bard, Spiral Dance, Mama Gina LaMonte and many more.
You can find S.J. online at her website, twitter, Facebook and keep up with her on her concert calendar! Find her music on Spotify, Pandora and more.
Follow Brit-El on Facebook, Twitter and Feral Pagan Thinker. You can also find her episodes on the Goth podcast network, The Belfry.
by Brit-El Mabourakh | Feb 18, 2016 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2016
Imbolc: Wheel of the Year with Griffin Ced

Taken by Iqbal Djauhari
Gothropology is the show that discusses ancient traditions, spirituality, sexuality and regeneration- the guide to come and take you by the hand into unknown pleasures. On the second installment of Wheel of the Year with Griffin Ced, Brit-El and Griffin discuss the pagan high day Imbolc, and the traditions surrounding the return of spring. From the randy Roman origins of Valentine’s Day in Lupercalia to the stirring of returning earthly life force that is Imbolc, tune in for detailed discussion on the true reason for the season. The dark, contemplative “dying times” pass into light with clearing of the mind, surroundings and spirit– “spring cleaning” leading to the strength of will, allowing the primal force and strength of will to go forth and conquer. Griffin discusses further the inspiration that makes individual rites distinct year-by-year, and gives personal insight on his upbringing and experience as a community teacher today.
As the wheel turns, tune in!
Keep your eyes open for rituals, vision quests, classes and more at The Green Man on Facebook and their calendar page.
Follow Brit-El on Facebook, Twitter and at Feral Pagan Thinker. You can also find her episodes on the Goth podcast network, The Belfry.
by Brit-El Mabourakh | Dec 16, 2015 | CULTURE, FALL 2015, FEATURED
Reason for the Season

Cozy up by the fireside with Brit-El and Griffin for some Yuletide cheer.
Gothropology is an anthropology & psychology-centric show that discusses ancient traditions, spirituality, sexuality and death. Brit-El Mabourakh is your guide to who will come and take you by the hand into unknown pleasures. Tonight we present the Gothropology Holiday Special. A hearty, lively discussion for the Reason for the Season type of listener. More specifically, Yule, Saturnalia and much more. Griffin Ced, witch father of the Ced Tradition Line, and manager at The Green Man Store is a good old-fashioned family man. He shares his knowledge and give listeners a hint on what to expect at The Green Man in rituals to come. Tune in- and consider making room in your calendar for Saturday’s Yule ritual.
Read Brit-El’s thoughts on paganism and the Craft on and follow her on twitter and Facebook @Gothropology.
by Brit-El Mabourakh | Dec 9, 2015 | CULTURE, FALL 2015, FEATURED
Hospitality with Andrew Gurevich

Professor Andrew Gurevich joins in from Portland, Oregon.
Gothropology is a show that discusses spirituality, ancient traditions, social deconstruction and more with your host Brit-El Mabourakh. On the latest installment of Gothropology, Brit-El speaks with Professor Andrew Gurevich about consciousness, religion, language and its place in our perspective hospitality as the quintessential virtue, untamed goddessdom and so much more. From “podcast power bottom” on Tangentially Speaking to host of community-centric, transformation-based On The Block Radio, Andrew imparts wisdom from a variety of related topics. Listen further for a plethora of insight to unpack.
Follow Andrew’s thoughts on Facebook at On The Block Radio and Twitter at @OTBRADIO and @agingprophet.
Brit-El will be posting religion-specific insight on her new blog,