Listen: 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Go Out In Public march 23, 2011

5 things you need to know before you go out in public, march 23, 2011

Todays topics range from radiation reports to the local weather.

LISTEN: Truck Hunter – Frysmith

Host, Ryan Rocha, speaks with Frysmith owner and operator Erik Cho about fries, kimchi, ethical eating, grease, Los Angeles and the food truck atmosphere. In the inaugural show, he also does a roll call of who’s-who in Los Angeles with food trucks and his future ideas on who to interview and bring on air. Get to know the San Fernando Valley’s food truck regulars and where to find them. Ryan goes through it all in this episode.

LISTEN: Bass Clef Radio – Get Electric

LISTEN: Bass Clef Radio – Get Electric

On this session of Bass Clef Radio, host Chase Baker plays more of his original remixes.

LISTEN: Religion 101- Childhood

Religion101 is now in session, today we will speak with Pastor LaRoya who has made it her life’s work to educate parents and children on the word of God. We will also speak with Pastor LaRoya’s long time student Trevon, who will talk about what the pastor has done for him and how he takes her teachings and uses them in his everyday lifestyle.

LISTEN: Live Variety Show – Oh Me, Oh My! and Pierce Dance Club

On today’s episode of Live Variety Show, hosts Eddie and Cara talk to Erin Hickey about Pierce’s street dance club and the band Oh Me, Oh My! performs live!