by Taylor Thibodaux | May 22, 2017 | CULTURE, FEATURED, Spring 2017
Dear God, Are We There Yet?

On today’s episode of “The Daily T”, host Taylor T had a sit down chat with Afro- Latina author Alicia Sanchez on her new book “Dear God, Are We There Yet?“. Sanchez revealed her 7 year battle with cancer in her twenties, how she overcame the side effects, and her the story behind her new book. “Dear God, Are We There Yet” , is a witty self help novel that focuses on the beauty your journey through life and not just the destination. Tune in!
by Taylor Thibodaux | Mar 29, 2017 | CULTURE, Spring 2017
Heaven on Earth

On episode 4 of “A Helpful Heart” Rebecca Paredes sits down with Jessica Barry who is the program assistant for non-profit Heaven on Earth. The organization is to “transform the lives of homeless cats through rescue, sanctuary, and new beginnings.” Barry shares her involvement with Heaven on Earth, what it’s like being program assistant, and the responsibilities it comes with it.
by Taylor Thibodaux | Mar 28, 2017 | SPORTS, Spring 2017
Mixed Martial Artist Dee Hamaguchi

On the first episode of “King of The Ring Radio,” host Jordan Bettencourt sits down with female boxing pioneer Dee Hamaguchi about her fascinating career thus far in combat sports.
by Taylor Thibodaux | Mar 23, 2017 | FEATURED, MUSIC, Spring 2017
“Say My Name”

On Episode 1 of “The Daily T” host Taylor Thibodaux had the opportunity to interview singer songwriter Taylor Hill . During the interview they talked about how much God influenced Hill’s life and music, his journey from NYC to LA, and the many success he’s managed to withhold at only 24 years old. Hill was not afraid to let listeners in on his struggle here in LA and definitely was transparent. His single “Say My Name” was played on air and Taylor was not afraid to express her level of love for the hit song. Be sure to tune in every Thursday at 1:30 pm to catch up with Taylor T and her next special guest.
Taylor Hill’s Social Media:
IG & Twitter: @TaylorHillMusic
Facebook :Taylor Hill
Taylor Thibodaux’s Social Media:
IG & Twitter: @_thetaylort
by Taylor Thibodaux | Mar 6, 2017 | CULTURE, Spring 2017
The Breakup with Belin Merino

Welcome to the Elements where host Sandra Montano gives you the break down of relationships every week on her show. Today she had music producer and song writer Belin Merino who gave the details on her most recent breakup. Merino revealed how the break up happened, the mistakes she made in her relationship, and even gave a heartfelt message to her ex boyfriend on air. Please be sure to tune in every Monday at 10 am to listen in to The Elements.
by Taylor Thibodaux | Mar 2, 2017 | CULTURE, Spring 2017
Patricia Doelitzsch

Welcome to The Child’s Mind. The show where host Kelly Metcalf talks about children, their ways of learning, and how parents and caregivers can facilitate it. In today’s episode Patricia Doelitzsch, professor at Pierce College, joined in talking about children with learning disabilities. Be sure to tune in every Wednesday’s at 1:00 pm to leanr more about the Child’s Mind.