Local Voices -05.16.17- know five signs

 Emotional Well-being

 Local Voices with Isela González is a weekly talk show discussing local community issues to inform. On this episode, Isela interview Sandra Chang Ptasinski, Ph.D. which works Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. May is the month of Mental health.www.changedirection.org is campaign who is locally, National and World. Create opportunities for a dialogue about mental health and emotional pledge to know the five signs.  1) personality changes = Reach out, 2) agitated = connect, 3) Withdrawn? Poor self care  = inspire hope 4) hopeless = offer help. The Campaign give support  to everyone to  pay attention to their emotional well-being.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind -05.03.17- 34 Surgeries Later…

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind -05.03.17- 34 Surgeries Later…

34 Surgeries Later…

Guest Amberly Lago is not only a personal trainer, but she is also a motivational speaker. On today’s show, we talk about how she overcame her motorcycle accident and how she has used that experience to become a motivational speaker for those who are facing adversity in their life. Motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences. Sustaining a life-changing injury, for example, can have a major impact on your quality of life, as well as your finances. However, if you are ever involved in a motorcycle accident, it is vital that you reach out to a personal injury attorney to determine whether or not you could be entitled to compensation. For more information about how to handle the aftermath of las vegas motorcycle accidents or a motorcycle accident anywhere else in the country, be sure to do some research online to find a personal injury attorney in your area. Amberly is also the author of True Grit and Grace, a book that will be released later this year where she talks bout her struggles in life and how she was able to overcome them and inspire others through her fitness and speeches.

Local Voices-05.09.17- 90 for life


 90 for life.

 Local Voices with Isela Gonzalez is a weekly talk show discussing local community issues to inform. On this episode, Isela is joined Teresa Ramirez and Carlos Pérez which are representative for youngevity. 90 for life is formula for Dr. Joel Wallach, which include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids. It is a daily nutrition for your body. Calcium is different other companies, Omega got 3-9-6 all in one capsule, and Selenio came on a packages. Dr. Luis Arriaza a formula of Liver Cleanse. By Cleaning the liver can over came year of dirty liver and other diseases like depression, Lupus, Liver problem, Anxious, Diabetes, Kidney, Arthritis and much more. Both Doctors did this formula to help those in need and had been helping those who taken the product.  Everyone welcome contact teresa and Araceli. (562) 450-9960 and (818) 360-9382. Youngevity  advocacy for health.


 Isela Gonzalez que conduce Las Voices Locales. Que se enfocan en la comunidad. En este episodio Isela intrevista a Teresa Ramirez y Carlos Pérez son representantes de la compañia Youngevity.  Hablaron sobre la formula del Dr. Joel Wallach 90 for life que tiene 60 minerales,12 amino acidos,16 vitaminas. es una nutrición diaria. Calcio que es differente de othras conpañias, Omega que tiene 3-9-6 todo en una capsula que otras compañias no tiene. Y también  el Selenio que esta en el paquete. Dr. Luis Arriaz que el formulador de la limpieza del higado. Al limpiar el higado puede quitar ań0 de sucieda que causa enfermedades como depression, Lupus, problemas del higado, anciedad, diabetes, riñones, artritisy mucho más. Los dos Doctores son formuladores que quieren ayudar a la humanidad y que an ayudado. Para mas informacion contatctar Teresa and Araceli. (562) 450-9960 and (818) 360-9382.

Local Voices-05.09.17- Strength United

Strength United

Local Voices with Isela González is a weekly talk show discussing local community issues to inform. On this episode, Isela interviews Dean foerster is a prevention specialist for Strength United and Arakel Aristakessian college counseling, community Athletics Prevention Education specialist at Strength United and student services program at CSUN.
 They are doing workshop, support group, stigma and the shame of man. Strength United get a support for man and those who need support. for more info tune in.

Local Voices- 05.02.17- Emotional Suffering

Suicide Change Direction

Local Voices with Isela González is a weekly talk show discussing local community issues to inform. On this episode, Isela interview Mireya Segura Psychiatric Social Worker who works Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. May is the month of Mental health.www.changedirection.org is campaign who is locally, National and World. Know your five signs that may mean someone is in emotional pain and might need help.


Isela Gonzalez que conduce Las Voices Locales. Que se enfocan en la comunidad. En este episodio  Isela entrevista Mireya Segura trabajador Psychiatrica Social que trabaja en el Departamento Salud Mental del Condado del Los Angeles. Mayo es el mes de la salud mental. Estan Trabajando campaña www.changedirection.org que es local, National y Mundial. Conoce tus cinco signos, que alguien puede start sufriendo emocional y necesita ayuda.