Movie Talk with the People Who Know: Westerns
Movie Talk with the People Who Know featuring Andrei Niemczyk
Hosted by Cristian Rodriguez
On this episode host Cristian Rodriguez speaks to Vice President of the Film Club at Pierce Andrei Niemczyk. They discuss the once popular but now seemingly dead western genre of films. They go over what might have led to the decline in popularity of the westerns, and discuss some interesting subversions on the genre.
Film Club meets at Village 8204 on Mondays from 2:00-3:00 if you’re interested in films or film production.

Podcast: Film Club
Podcast: Film Club
by Marc Dionne
Marc Dionne features Pierce College’s film club in this brief podcast. The Film Club is where people who love film go to talk about films, create films and interact with people who share that common love of film. The Film Club also does a film series and have their meetings in Village room 3211 at 6 p.m.