On  the Nov.15  edition  of  “TREBLE CLEF LIVE”  host  Leigh  Swansborough  welcomed  Guatemalansinger/songwriter  Gaby Moreno and  fellow  band member Arthur Briatzch.

Performing songs from her debut album “Still The Unknown” Gaby talked about the first time she heard the blues whilst on vacation in New York city as a little girl. Gaby  fell in love with the blues,which then led to her exploration of Jazz and Soul.

Since moving to America in 2001, Gaby was the first Latin artist to ever win the John Lennon song writing contest, and has toured with Ani Di Franco and Tracy Chapman. Gaby can be heard performing the song ‘SMILE” in the Oscar award winning documentary “THE COVE”.

Gaby also performed new songs from her upcoming album, including the Lesos, and Spanish Cinema.

To learn more about Gaby and to buy her debut album and new Christmas E.P,  please go to her website –
