
The Wide World of Brahma Sports is a weekly sports talk show hosted by Pierce College Athletic Director Bob Lofrano and student Ryan Field. On this episode, Bob and Ryan are joined by athletic pool manager Deborah Hefter, women’s volleyball players Paige McFerren, Kira Guarino, and Brittani Elser, and women’s volleyball head coach Nabil Mardini to discuss the successes of the sports teams during the fall semester.

1. Wide World of Brahma Sports - 12.2.13 - Champions@http://ftp.kpcradio     

For mobile listeners: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://[email protected]/podcasts/December2013/Wide%20World%20of%20Brahma%20Sports%20-%2012.2.13%20-%20Gift%20of%20Guests.mp3″]