Farsi Show – 05.24.17 – Arian Khoroushi

Farsi Show – 05.24.17 – Arian Khoroushi

Arian Khoroushi

Arian Khoroushi is an ambitious, passionate and creative film director, actor, artist and musician. He moved to California in 2010 while he had a year to finish his degree in Bio Medical Engineering at the Azad University of Tehran. He graduated in Theater, Film and Digital production from the University of California, Riverside on 2016. He established his production company “ARI K PRODUCTION” in 2014, and since then, he has been working in film and music productions. Arian’s vision is to create a lasting, permanent yet special, and memorable work through which he can influence other’s perspectives. His discovery of his identity has been accomplished through film and music productions. He produced, directed, and played several roles in various featured and short films, commercials and documentaries. Furthermore, being proficient in several musical instruments, Arian has performed at, and collaborated with several music bands. He believes every great journey begins with a dreamer, while the whole universe conspires to make it a reality for him.

Farsi Show-05.17.17- Mina Salehi

Farsi Show-05.17.17- Mina Salehi

Mina Salehi

In this episode of “The Farsi Show,” host Hengame Abassi interviews Pierce student Mina Salehi. Salehi is a passionate writer as well as a voice-over artist. She has been writing since she was a young girl, building her skill and improving her craft along the way. Recently, she has worked on publishing her different pieces across several platforms, including social media. During this episode, Salehi delves deep in sharing her newest stories and the characters that she has been working to develop and bring to life.
Farsi Show -05.03.17- The First Kiss

Farsi Show -05.03.17- The First Kiss

The First Kiss

Vida Ghahremani is an Iranian actress,  writer, designer and teacher. She began acting in film as a teenager. Her earliest work was in 1958. She currently teaches creative theatre and Persian Language in Pleasanton, California and Persian Center where she has been an active member since it establishment in Berkeley, California and Artistic associate in San Francisco Golden Thread Production. Ghahremani received a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and holds a diploma in Directing and Producing television. She is a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the Gem and Mineral society. Vida recently finished a film with director Wayne Wang called A Thousand Years of Good Prayers as supporting actress.

Farsi Show -05.04.17- Service for Iranian Immigrants

Farsi Show -05.04.17- Service for Iranian Immigrants

Service for Iranian Immigrants

Allen Ekbatani, an Iranian – American , migrated to the U.S about 15 years ago. With his extensive background in geology and engineering, Ekbatani went on to work in the engineering business for 30 years. He’s worked on a plethora of projects in his country (Iran) such as , dams, harbors and towers. In this episode we are talking about his positions as CEO, the chief board of directors, and also sharing the information of his non profit organization which was founded to help all Iranian immigrants on all subjects that they might need for being set up and get a normal situation of life in this country. As any successful immigrant will know, the process of migrating to America presents a number of difficult challenges and can be quite frustrating for many. Firstly, the process is traditionally quite lengthy. There are so many different stages, so many legal documents and, crucially, so many other immigrants looking to do the exact same thing as you in order to give themselves a better life, resulting in a system that can take quite a long time to complete. Furthermore, the uncertainty that surrounds the entire immigration process can bring a lot of stress upon families. Not knowing if your application will be accepted or not can often make people second guess themselves, but it is important to remain level headed throughout the whole process. The Visa Bulletin is the main home of crucial immigration information, and will likely be the place to look for news relevant to anybody hopeful immigrant. Checking this bulletin regularly is the best method of removing as much of the uncertainty that commonly surrounds immigration as possible.
The Farsi Show -04.19.17- Expression by Presentation

The Farsi Show -04.19.17- Expression by Presentation

Expression by Presentation

Helen Rezvan a Pierce College student is an expert photographer. In this episode of Farsi Show she shares with our listeners, years of experience in public relations, Portrait Photography, Photo-shop, filming, and sport training.

Study of Portrait, wedding Photography, modeling and high tech industrial photography are her education from Tehran Daralfonoon Institute of “Film and Photography”.


Farsi Show-3.15.2017- Iranian New Year

Farsi Show-3.15.2017- Iranian New Year

Iranian New Year

Celebrating Nowruz the Iranian New Year at UCLA, Royce Hall, Dickson Court. Farhang Foundation is a nonreligious, non political, and nonprofit foundation dedicated to celebrating Iranian art and culture for the benefit of the community at large. “Farsi show” with Hengame Abassi was present at the event as volunteer and reporter. You are listening to selection of program and also listening Farsi show interviews with Ziba shirazi the Iranian America poet, singer, songwriter and story teller.
Darya Mina professional Dancer.

Vandad Massahzadeh musician. He was presented with the  best music composer  of the year award in Iran

Farsi Show- 11.28.16- Historic Moments with Manouche Kohen

Farsi Show- 11.28.16- Historic Moments with Manouche Kohen

Historic Moments with Manouche Kohen


Farsi Show goes around the city to be a bridge between you and the cultural, literature, and arts events. One of greats of our time, Manouchehr Kohen is a distinguished Iranian-Jewish engineer. He was responsible for the engineering of cities, modern hospitals, and many mosques and synagogues in Iran. Kohen’s valuable services in literature, art, and engineering in our country have touched the lives of many. He welcomed Hengame into his private library in Bel Air and shared his story with Farsi Show listeners . He revealed to us how, despite a death sentence, he was released from prison with an experience that could be called miraculous. Kohen tells  the story of his first meeting with Mohammad Reza, Shah Pahlavi, and receiving his first award from the hands of the Shah. Kohan also shared some of his lyrics with Farsi Show listeners. Tune in for a historic show.

Farsi Show- 11.10.16- Shohreh Mavedat

Farsi Show- 11.10.16- Shohreh Mavedat

 Shohreh Mavedat


Farsi Show goes around the city to be a bridge between you and the cultural, literature, and arts events. Farsi Show’s guest for today is the experienced stage actor Shohreh Mavedat. Shohreh is acting in two different roles in a radio drama. In this play, Hengame Abassi is the narrator. The play is called Butterfly and is one of the first dramas written by Reza Mavedat.  The story is about a young artist couple and their complexities of everyday life, as well as childhoods complexes. Tune in for the whole show.