by Jose Hernandez | Mar 2, 2016 | ENTERTAINMENT, FEATURED, Spring 2016
SFV Villains

Cali and Brandon share share some of their music.
Sound Stage with Jose Hernandez is a show that focuses on defining music through wide range of sounds. On this episode Jose talks with the SFV Villains a local San Fernando Valley band. They share some of their music, while DJ Cali talks about the origin of the band and the bands name. Brandon the Villain discusses the band members and how they produce and perform their music. He talks about the music and the challenges they have faced as musicians. They also share their drive and motivation to create music.
For more information. Stop by SFV Villains’ ReverbNation Page.
by Jessica Campbell | Feb 25, 2016 | FEATURED, MUSIC, Spring 2016
Get Away

Get Away with the smooth sounds of Bella Nite.
Music in the Community with Jessica Campbell is a show that focuses on local musicians in the San Fernando Valley. On this segment, Jessica interviews Bella Nite, who performs her latest release Get Away. She talks about how she wrote all her songs during her pregnancy, and how being a mother influenced her music. She discusses how music has always been apart of her families life, and that she has been singing since she can remember. Bella explains her family history, and how her parents were musicians in the Ukraine, which is where she was born.
For more information about Bella Nite’s Music stop by Music on a Shirt
by Mark Laur | Dec 10, 2015 | ENTERTAINMENT, FALL 2015, FEATURED
Cronin R’ Us

A live performance by the pirate brothers.
Geek Speak is a weekly show hosted by Mark Laur that discusses all topics of nerd culture. On this episode the Geek Speak crew is joined by Tor and Dylan Cronin, who are musicians in a pirate band by night, as well as nerds, geeks, and dorks by day. This week they talk about their musical career, and they go into detail about growing up and becoming influenced by “nerd” media. The two pirates also deliver a melodic acoustic performance with Tor on the flute and Dylan on the guitar.
by Hengame Abassi | Dec 9, 2015 | ENTERTAINMENT, FALL 2015, FEATURED
Elham Sayereh Sings

Ellie Sayareh graces us with her voice.
Farsi Show with Hengame Abassi focuses on the people in our community who make a difference across cultures. On this episode Hengame interviews acclaimed Iranian singer, Elham Sayareh, who sings a cappella and shares some in-studio discussion. Ellie grew up singing in an artist family. She sang with her parents and her brother, who is a pianist. Elham was trained in Iranian traditional music by Mrs. Parisa, (Fātemeh Vā’ezi,) who is one of the greatest traditional singers of Iran. She then took a short-term class with Mehdi Sepehr and Mojgan Shajarian and has had performances in Iran and outside of Iran. Today she is married to Omid Sayareh, who is a music composer and Santour player. They have been Angelinos since 2013. Ellie has a Bachelor’s degree in English Translation from Tehran, and she is currently studying medical courses here in Los Angeles.
by David Lona | Dec 3, 2015 | DOCUMENTARIES, FALL 2015, FEATURED
Woodlowe Music School

David Lona focuses on the importance of music education in the community.

David Lona with Ed McGuire the owner of Woodlowe Music in Wodland Hills.
Welcome to Profiles. Documentaries are segments where reporters cover a variety of issues. Team reporters conduct multiple interviews with individuals, groups, businesses, or organizations in the San Fernando valley and Los Angeles County. In this segment David Lona focuses on the music school at Woodlowe Music in Woodland Hills. This documentary focuses on the importance of music education in the community.
by Jessica Campbell | Dec 1, 2015 | FALL 2015, FEATURED, MUSIC

Reggie, Hiphop, Blues, Soul and Music on a Shirt.
Arts & Music in the Community with Jessica Campbell is a show that focuses on performing and visual artists in the San Fernando Valley. On this episode Jessica interviews KB, who is known as Blackwater. He is a rapper, a producer and the owner of Music on a Shirt. KB talks about his new album Back 2 Basix. He also talks about his collaborations with artists promotions. KB explains how Music on a Shirt works with performing artists creating opportunities for merchandising and advertising. CaliTreez, Bella Nite, Movado, Durty Lipstick, and Dean Risko are just a few of the artists attached to his brand.
by Jessica Campbell | Nov 24, 2015 | FALL 2015, FEATURED, MUSIC
R Mean

From Broken Water to 7 Deadly Sins
Arts & Music in the Community with Jessica Campbell is a show that focuses on performing and visual artists in the San Fernando Valley. On this episode Jessica interviews R Mean, who is a local Armenian Hip Hop artist, songwriter and the co-founder of Pentagon Records.

He shares his latest album titled 7 Deadly Sins, which includes ‘Nothing Left to Loose’ and ‘Fake Mutha’ featuring The Game. R Mean talks about his cultural background and his approach to hip hop. He discusses his professional experience in the music industry. Including concerts in which he has opened for Method Man, Raekwon, and Immortal Technique.
by David Lona | Nov 21, 2015 | FALL 2015, FEATURED, PROFILES, Teachers
John Schneider

John teaches Guitar, Electronic Music, Theory and History
Welcome to Pierce Profiles, where reporters profile a person, group or department of Pierce College. Team reporters conduct multiple interviews creating Teacher Profiles that feature the educators on campus. In this profile David Lona features John Schneider, PhD. from the campus Music Department. John is a Grammy winning musician that teaches Guitar, Electronic Music, Theory and Music History. This profile discusses his teaching style. The changes in the music department, and how he interacts with his peers, as well as his students.