The Music That Molded Us: AJ Werner

The Music That Molded Us: AJ Werner

Hosted by Shayne Tamkin

On this episode of The Music That Molded Us, we sit down with Pierce basketball player AJ Werner to talk about his life and how music has affected him, who his favorite artists are, and how they have affected him, both on and off the hardwood. And how his love of sports has helped him host his own show here on

This episode was recorded remotely from the studio during the COVID-19 Los Angeles Safer-at-Home initiative.

Podcast: The Japanese Club

Podcast: The Japanese Club

Podcast: Japanese Club

By Michael Benavides

Michael Benavides talks to the Japanese Club to get some insight of the club in Fall 2018. The new meeting location for Japanese Club is Juniper 812, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

In the Hot Box: Speech Tournament 2018

In the Hot Box: Speech Tournament 2018

“In the Hot Box”: Speech Tournament 2018

Hosted by Mareo Lawson

“In The Hot Box” is a weekly talk show hosted by Mareo Lawson dedicated to interviewing local members of the community and reporting news, events, and traffic from the San Fernando Valley’s Hot Box. On this episode, Mareo is back to guest host for at the Los Angeles Pierce College 2018 Speech Tournament Finals.

On Friday May 11, 2018 the Great Hall was filled to capacity with Pierce College Communication students from all walks of life. Ten students will compete for the trophies, recognition, and scholarships. The judges will then vote for the top three speakers with the best informative or the best persuasive speech. Find out what these contestants will share, and who will be the top six winners for 2018. Special thanks to all of the finalists, judges, faculty, staff, and attendees. Brahmas keep charging!

In alphabetical order


David Araujo

Amir (Rod) Atarodi

Orian Fitlovich

Emma Greenberg

Diana Hovhannisyan

Robert Johnston

Ellen Lenderman

Anna Lundmark

Akane Saito

Michael Sawinski

Final Round Judges

Dr. Don Brownlee

Dr. John Kephart

Dr. Joel Lemuel

Guest Judges

Michelle Brownlee

Tiffany Chen

Alexander Howard

Troi Jeannette Phillips

Matthew Ward

LAPC Faculty & Staff

Barbara Anderson

Brianna Broady

Yeprem Davoodian

Sally Kassamanian

Jessica Kelpine

Robert Loy

Christine Ersig Marcus

Jennifer Rosenberg

Michelle Silver

 Lori Travis

Podcast: Mitchell D. Pumar

Podcast: Mitchell D. Pumar

Podcast: Mitchell D. Pumar

By Nick Morser

Find out more about Pierce’s math professor Mitchell D. Pumar in this podcast created by Nick Morser.

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