Destination Animation: Helluva Boss Storyboard Artist Seth Anderholm Hosted by Hannah Howell Storyboard artist Seth Anderholm, who has worked on the popular Youtube cartoon Helluva Boss and at Warner Brothers, joins us for our first in-studio show! We discuss his...
Cultures of the World: Tiffany Hosted by Jasmine Melendez This episode of Cultures of the World features a local college student named Tiffany. Tiffany is considered to be Persian and Iranian; she discusses the hardship and ease she had when growing up.
Destination Animation: First Animator Hired at Netflix! Bojack Horseman Supervising Director Mike Hollingsworth Hosted by Hannah Howell Artist, animator, and stand-up comedian Mike Hollingsworth joins us as we discuss Mike's love for animals, what makes working on a...
Electronic Echoes: Studying our Ocean in the Sky Hosted by Aaron Castillo In this episode of Electronic Echoes, we talk to Kristina Collins of HamSCI, about the science behind Shortwave Radio, and how citizen scientists expand our understanding every day. Kristina...
The Art of Healing: Communication Hosted by Faith Amoussou In this week’s episode, communication studies professor, Barbara Anderson, joins me to discuss the importance of communication and how to improve skills we use every day. We cover everything from the...
The Music Forum: Shawn Lee Hosted by Nicholas O'Neil In this very special episode of the music forum, musician, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and video game composer Shawn Lee calls in from London to talk about how he got his start with music, meeting and working...
Time Machine Express featuring Thomas Rillstone Hosted by William Rogero Join us on a journey through Māori history, with references to the Disney film Moana we explore the hidden world of Polynesia. With guest Thomas Rillstone who hosts the history of Aotearoa New...
Time Machine Express with Benjamin Pierce Hosted by William Rogero With host William Rogero of Time Machine Express, learn the intricacies of an ancient (but mostly forgotten) world wonder: the Roman Aqueduct. Featuring guest Benjamin Pierce, a historian and an...
The Stage featuring Jenny Ghiglia Hosted by Spencer Fuller On this episode of The Stage, guest Jenny Ghiglia talks about dance as a passion, jobs, and directed studies at Pierce.
Too Girly featuring Brenda Marie Davies Hosted by Paola Castillo On the first installment of Too Girly, host Paola Castillo talks to Christian advocate, Brenda Marie Davies, also known as God is Grey, on the harms and history of the Purity and Modesty culture....
Brahma Sports featuring Joanna Cerda: The Serendipitous Goalie Hosted by Felipe Gamino On the first episode of Brahmas Sports, host Felipe Gamino sits down with Pierce College goalkeeper Joanna Cerda. Topics included early life, high school and her adaptation to...
Fear Cast featuring Ariel Wesler Hosted by Spencer Fuller On this episode of Fear Cast, with your host Spencer Fuller We discuss Disney Villian Deaths: And how it affects the Lifespan With guest Ariel Wesler, of Spectrum News local news anchor
Voice of a Generation featuring Shihan van Clief Hosted by Jessica Vaughan On this episode of Voice of a Generation, host Jessica Vaughan talks to Shihan Van Clief about his experiences as one of the founders of "Da Poetry Lounge" and how he relates his experience to...
The Real Fake News featuring Mark Hurtado andJason Ackerman Hosted by Jesse Bertel In this episode of The Real/Fake News on KPCR, host Jesse Bertel discusses Neighborhood Councils, Legal Cannabis Social Equity, Biden’s Gropy hands, and more with LA Comedian Mark...
On this episode of The Valley Life, host Kendall Shannon gets retro with Mike and Mia Guenther from the Neon Retro Arcade. Mike and Mia talk about the adventures the two have had owning an arcade including a little side bar on the hit movie, Ready Player One. Enjoy the show, Much Love, and see you next time.
On this episode of Fairly Local, Michael Benavides brings on Amin Malekpour to discuss his musical influences at home and how he couldn’t listen to FM radio until the age of 8. This episode also features a live performance by Amin covering Never Meant by American Football.
On this episode of The Valley Life, host Kendall Shannon talks with Boba My Tea Co-Owner Andrew Do. They talk about what it is like to run a business and how much Andrew Do loves the college crowd.
On this episode of “Men Don’t Cry,” host Kevin Barcinas is joined by Marlon Flores, sociology major and on the side actor to talk about stereotypes and myths in the gay community.
"Angie Fully Loaded" featuring Rebekah Fleischaker: Working at the Car Shop Hosted by Angie Taiman On this episode of "Angie Fully Loaded," host Angie Taiman is joined by Rebekah Fleischaker. They discuss success as a business owner, as Rebekah owns an automotive...
Brahma Beginnings featuring GrisDismation: Belizean Bedtime Stories Hosted by Salvador Fariaz Painters, animators, moviemakers and authors, GrisDismation does it all. On the latest episode of “Brahma Beginnings,” host Salvador Fariaz sits down with GrissyG and Dismas...
ESL Featuring Father David Elias Hosted by Ezzat Wanas On this episode of "ESL" host Ezzat Wanas sits down with Father David Elias to discuss experiences ESL students have in relation to religious institutions. Elias came to the US when he was 26 years-old and earned...
"My Street Moves" featuring Sydney Horowitz: Not Your Starbucks Frappe Hosted by Bryson Wesley Sydney Horowitz is a student at Valley and Pierce College, as well as a dance teacher at Creation Station. She was a professional dancer skilled in Ballet, Tap and Hiphop...
CulTour-ing Cambodian Culture with Vandy Ly Welcome to CulTour, the show where we tour the different cultures Pierce's population has to offer and discuss what makes each cultural make-up unique. On today's show, Shir interviews Vandy Ly on life in Cambodia and what...
Dennon Rawles On the fifth edition of living the good life, host Yadira Gonzalez interviews Choreographer and performer Dennon Rawles, who has been Dancing for over 40 years. He is currently a professor of Latin Social and Salsa at Pierce College. He talks about the...
Marissa Roth Exposure with Skylar Lester is a show about notable figures in the world of photography. On this episode, Skylar interviews long-time photojournalist and documentary photographer, Marissa Roth. Marissa’s powerful project, One Person Crying: Women and War,...
El Jay's Red Diary Ladi Saka and El Jay join Taylor in the studio. The Daily Talk with Taylor Thibodeaux is a show that focuses the positive influences in the local black community. On this episode, Taylor is joined by "urban pop" musicians El Jay and...
Red Carpet with Niki Karimi Director Niki Karimi answers audience questions with costar Gohar Kheirandish. Farsi Show with Hengame Abassi is a show that focuses on the local Farsi-speaking community. On this segment, Hengame walks the red carpet to cover the premiere...
Schooled by Samantha Samantha Pitkin and factors that make a healthy relationship. School of Love with Kiana Peszynski is a show that discusses relationships and relationship advice in the community. On this episode Kiana invites listeners to be schooled by Samantha...
Mathaphobia TED Talks speaker Olympia LePoint discusses the fear of math. Lets Talk Community with Lupe LLerenas is a show that focuses on community involvement. On this episode Lupe interviews Olympia LePoint, who is a NASA rocket scientist, author, TED Talks...
Orlando & Travstar Orlando Brown and Travis Carr talk about Million Dollar Catalog. Arts & Music in the Community with Jessica Campbell is a show that focuses on performing and visual artists in the San Fernando Valley. On this episode Jessica interviews...
Farsi Show is a show about older students at Pierce College hosted by Heni Abassi. On today’s segment, Heni interviews Pierce Associated Student Organization (ASO) candidate Vice President Noura Hervani, who is also the Director of Committee Chair representative of...
DanceMania! is a weekly talk show hosted by Diana Avila centered around different styles of dancing. On this week’s episode, Diana interviews Elena Krisfuks who competes as ballroom dancer all over the world. Krisuks talks about her experiences as a dance instructor...
Gothropology is a show that discusses spirituality, ancient traditions, social deconstruction and more with your host Brit-El Mabourakh. Today, Brit-El M. hosts not a guest, but a myriad of ideas surrounding why we want what we want, what we think we want but don't,...
Inside the Game is a sports talk show co-hosted by Sholom Druk, Ethan Hanson and Tyler McGee. On today's segment, co-hosts Ethan Hanson, Sholom Druk and Tyler McGee. On this episode, the hosts are joined by Malik Johnson from Pierce College's basketball team to...
Volunteer in the Valley is a weekly Internet radio show/podcast on, Pierce College’s student-run online radio station. Host Milo Anderson invites organizations in and around the San Fernando Valley to tell listeners about the work that they do and the...
The Memory Dump is a weekly talk show cohosted by Casey Spencer of the Pierce College Robotics Club and Simon Tutak about emerging science and new tech gadgets. On this episode, Casey and Simon discuss Apple's disabling of third-party SSDs and pushing of Beats by Dre....
In the Hot Box is a weekly talk show hosted by Mareo Lawson dedicated interviewing local members of the community and reporting news, events, and traffic from the San Fernando Valley's "Hot Box". On this episode, Mareo is joined by Tara Walker to discuss her life as a...
Alternative Free Radio is a weekly music show hosted by Brian Hernandez that focuses on radical music and art. On this episode, Brian is joined by his brother Brandon Hernandez and Nick McNamara to discuss recent events in the Ukraine and Chiapas involving police and...
Happy Hour is a weekly talk show hosted by Victor Kamont where Victor and his guests talk about their passions as well as words of wisdom and learning they can share with the audience. On this episode, Victor is joined by Marvin Columbus (boxing promoter, dancer for...
Valley Roots is a weekly music talk show hosted by John McMahon and Rebecca Hernandez that features local independent artists. On this episode, John and Rebecca are joined by DJ and producer Kevin Covarrubias from the electronic group Twst to talk about their music,...
Holiday Motivation Holiday Motivation from Inside the Brahma Box. Inside the Brahma Box is a weekly talk show hosted by Mareo Lawson dedicated to finding hidden gems in the local area, or Pierce College's "box". He talks with community members from all over the San...
The Struggle is a weekly independent artist show hosted by Nia Pressley, Taylor Stokes, and Randall Ware. On this episode, the group is joined by Russell MC, local dancer and choreographer, to talk about his style, influences and play a couple tracks.
We're back, baby! Hosts Casey Spencer and Eldon Schoop let you know what happened while they were gone! A quadriplegic regains control of her arm through science, a solution is developed to spray on skin, and a radio program which should never have been aired in the...
Brahmas Live is a weekly sports radio show hosted by Ethan Hanson and Charlie Knapp. On this episode, Ethan and Charlie discussed Pierce College's men's basketball team's WSC Division Championship and discussed women's roles in sports following this weekend's UFC 157...
Today's guest on Planet Indie is Eternal Swyft. We will catch up with Swyft as he debuts his new single "Seize The Night" ft. Danny Aguluiz and Matt Geronimo of Atalost....
Tony welcomes songwriter/screenwriter, Dimi Sloane as well his son, guitarist, Dimi Sloane Jr. and Dimi's wife, spiritualist, Delilah Sloane. What a creative half hour this has turned out to be.
Today in studio founders, the executive director, and volunteers came in to speak about their experience with the Village Gardeners, an organization committed to restoring a stretch of the Los Angeles River that runs along Valley Heart between Fulton and Coldwater...
Juan Roberts, photographer of the "Stuff I See" collection calls into The Coffee House to discuss his art. Also, Michelle Stokes, celebrity stylist, stops by and tells us about the art of fashion.
Venture with us to the final frontier. Your host Noel Vargas and Shane Shaffer talk about classic Sci-fi films and their appreciation for Pink Floyd. staff hit Pierce College to ask students if they believe Hands Across California, which is on Sunday, April 17, will have an impact.
Hope Row clothing drive Host of the Do Something Amazing show, Anthony Orendorff and are now doing a clothing drive for the people living on Skid Row. For more information, call the phone number at the end of the video or e-mail [email protected]...
The second edition of Voces del Valle focused on the Day of the Dead.Karina Ceja the site coordinator of Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural and Stuart Vaughan, the founding director of the Canoga Park Youth Arts center were guests on the program. Stuart talked about...
On this week's episode of "In Production," Aaron and Shalea interview James Morris, a director (in-training) of the news/techie at KABC. We talk about the state of news, what it's like to work behind the scenes of a big news group, and how art intermingles with news...
On the week's episode of "In Production," Shalea and Aaron interview Priscilla Schneider, a professional screenwriter. We discuss the screenwriting process, what life is like as a screenwriter, and what makes a good story....