Documentary – Spring 2016 – Theatre Department

Documentary – Spring 2016 – Theatre Department

Theatre Department

Theatre Department

Stephen Nicholson focuses on Pierce College Theatre Arts.

Welcome to Documentary Profiles. The documentaries are segments where reporters cover a variety of issues. Team reporters conduct multiple interviews with individuals, groups, businesses, or organizations in Los Angeles County. In this segment Stephen Nicholson focuses on the Pierce College Theatre Department. Michael Sande, who is the managing director talks about how much he loves theatre arts, and says that he came to Pierce to share this passion by working with students.

Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts Shaheen Vaaz-Chamarbagwala explains about how she transitioned from acting to teaching. She also shares a few tips on acting. Stage technician Edward Salas talks about his duties, and he shares his view about theatre and performance art. Leah Foster, who is a model and makeup artist mentions the challenges and rewards of performing arts, and talks about the professionalism of the faculty and production staff.

Profiles – Spring 2016 – Anita Adcock

Profiles – Spring 2016 – Anita Adcock

Anita Adcock

Anita Adcock

The campaign for Vegan options on campus.

Welcome to Pierce Profiles, where reporters profile a person, group or department of Pierce College. Team reporters conduct multiple interviews creating Club Profiles that feature the student-run clubs on campus. In this profile Stephen Nicholson features Professor Anita Adcock of the Pierce College Theatre Department. She discusses her inspirations and why she became a professor of theatre. Matthew Garbe a Theatre student said that the class is very inviting, and that he is definitely obtaining the knowledge he needs.
liana Speigel, who is also a Theatre student, says that she enjoys the class. She also mentions that the class is hands-on, and the students are very involved.

Edgeucation – 04.11.16 – Pre-Veterinary

Edgeucation – 04.11.16 – Pre-Veterinary



Matt discusses the process to becoming a veterinarian.

Edgeucation with Emmanuel Arias and Stephen Nicholson is a show that focuses on education in our community. On this episode they interview Matt Garbe, who is a Pre-Veterinary Medicine student at Pierce College. Matt discusses the process to becoming a veterinarian. He talks about the challenges that he faces and the Pre-Vet program on campus. He says he plans to achieve a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. Matt talks about how having to make time for work, travel and friends can be tough for students. He also shares that he has an allergy to cats, but that he will still pursue his career goals. As Matt will be able to tell us, becoming a veterinarian is difficult and challenging, however, it is a rewarding job and allows people to make positive changes to the owner’s lives. When becoming a vet, there is a lot to learn. One of the most in-demand services for veterinarians is conducting ultrasounds for pregnant pets. This is something that a lot of people require vets for, so it’s vital that students like Matt are receiving appropriate training with equipment that they would use to see if an animal was pregnant. Nowadays, many vets make use of portable ultrasounds from websites like Those ultrasounds make it easier for vets to see if the animal is pregnant, allowing the owner to prepare. This is an important service that vets offer, so it’s important that students learn about this on campus. That’s only one of their jobs though, there are so many other things that a vet must know before they can become independent.

Healthy Living – 03.28.16 – Kinesiology

Healthy Living – 03.28.16 – Kinesiology



Peter discusses the benefits of studying human kinetics.

Healthy Living with Londy Sagastume is a show that focuses on community health in the Valley. On this episode Londy talks with Peter Parasiliti, who is an adjunct Kinesiology professor at Pierce College, Los Angeles City College, and California Lutheran University. Peter discusses the heath benefits of studying human kinetics. He mentions that he will be teaching a new, and free ACE Personal Trainer preparatory certification course at Pierce. Peter corrects some of the misconceptions people have about physical training and body movement. He also explains that sit-ups and crunches can be injurious, and that walk-outs are a much safer abdominal exercise.

Edgeucation – 03.21.16 – Planetary Geology

Edgeucation – 03.21.16 – Planetary Geology

Planetary Geology


Travis discusses the discovery of water on Mars.

Edgeucation with Emmanuel Arias and Stephen Nicholson is a show that focuses on education in our community. On this episode they interview Planetary Geologist and Pierce College Professor Travis Orloff, PhD. Travis talks about his experiences in education as a student and as a professor. He also discusses the geology of Mars, and the discovery of water on the planet. Travis says that he knew he wanted to get into sciences, but he was unsure what part. He also says that he ultimately stayed on his original educational path.

Hungry to Win – 03.17.16 – NY to LA

Hungry to Win – 03.17.16 – NY to LA

NY to LA


Raymond talks about his journey from New York to Pierce.

Hungry to Win with Olivia Cervantes is a show that focuses on Pierce College athletes who migrate to play sports at Pierce. On this episode Olivia  interviews Raymond Henry, who is a Pierce College student. Raymond talks about his journey from NY to LA. He discusses being a New York native, while talking about his position as corner back for the Pierce College Football team. Raymond mentions being from a different state has impacted his experience as a student athlete. He shares his early experiences playing football as a child, and discusses his future plans for a career in the NFL.

Farsi Show – 03.09.16 – Nowruz & Persian Club

Farsi Show – 03.09.16 – Nowruz & Persian Club

Persian Club Returns: Nowruz and more


Hengame interviews Pierce’s returning Persian Club.

Farsi Show with Hengame Abassi is a show that focuses on the local Farsi speaking community. On this episode of Farsi Show, Hengame speaks again with the Persian Club of Pierce College. They discus plans for an upcoming event on March 21, 2016 for Nowruz the Persian New Year. The members of the club also talk about this seasons club charter, the current elected members, and Rush Week recruiting.


Wide World of Brahma Sports – 02.23.16 – Beach Volleyball

Wide World of Brahma Sports – 02.23.16 – Beach Volleyball

Beach Volleyball

beach volleyball

Lady Brahmas are headed to the beach.

The Wide World of Brahma Sports is a weekly sports talk show hosted by Pierce College Athletic Director Bob Lofrano that showcases Pierce’s athletic department. On this segment, Bob interviews Shari Volpis and Whitley Doss of the NEW Pierce College Women’s Beach Volleyball team. Bob shares that President Kathleen Burke supports the new program. Shari and Whitley are both also members of the Women’s indoor Volleyball team on campus. They talk about the differences in playing conditions from indoor to the beach.  They mention the differences in the ball size and net height, while also talking about the possible injuries in athletics.