by David Lona | Sep 21, 2015 | CULTURE, FALL 2015
Forget Yourself

Connect to your eternal life by letting go.
The Body Show with David Lona is a show that focuses on the current professional techniques used to take care of the body. On this episode David interviews Corey Leland a children’s songwriter and a spiritual guru who discusses how to forget yourself through meditation. He also produces and performs children’s songs. He also advocates meditation, peace and spiritual healing techniques. For more information stop by his website at Corey Leland.
by Victor Stephen Kamont | May 31, 2012 | FEATURED

John Savage talks about his decades in film from Hair, Dear Hunter, his lifetime achievement awards, and his most recent films this year in Africa, China, and Japan.He also shares his expieriences about giving back to the community and the greatness of education.
by Victor Stephen Kamont | May 31, 2012 | FEATURED
James Hermon the program director for talks about directing the program and working in the studio. Jacob Keyser a videographer also talks about “life in the studio” at KPCR. It is an in depth interview of what it takes to run a radio station at Pierce College in Woodland Hills.
by Mareo-Ahmir Lawson | May 4, 2011 | Spring 2011

Today’s show focused on alternative fitness modalities for those who can’t do conventional fitness – those with limited mobility; whether that be because they are senior, they haven’t exercised in a while, they are living with injuries, or because of a disability. Living with limited mobility is difficult and whilst some things, like an accessible bathroom (visit the Absolute Mobility for more information) are a necessity, exercise if often not seen the same. This means that these people aren’t getting the exercise they require, which has a negative impact on their health. Mai Jara, Director of Adapted Aquatics at Cal State Northridge (CSUN), spoke about what adapted aquatics are, who benefits from them, and the marvelous resources available to the public at CSUN. She also talked about where else to find services, and how the programs at CSUN are training others to teach adapted aquatics.
Exercise is important for all of us. However, exercise doesn’t have to be extremely active, as long as the correct muscles are being exercised, people should be fine. For seniors and those with limited mobility, it can seem like exercise is out of the question. However, it isn’t. There are multiple ways for these people to have a more active lifestyle without putting too much pressure on themselves. By contacting a local physical therapist, like those at Luna (, these people can learn how to relieve any pain that they might be experiencing, allowing them to have a more active life. It’s important to contact a physical therapist if you’re experiencing some pain, it’s not worth making any existing pain worse. Once pain is cleared, seniors and those with limited mobility can start looking into simple exercise techniques.
Susan Winter Ward, an internationally acclaimed yoga instructor who offers resources for seniors, boomers, and new beginners, spoke about “seated chair yoga”. Susan conducted several yoga exercises that listeners can do at work, when in front of the computer, or if they are limited to a chair. Susan offers award-winning DVDs and MP3’s through her company, “Sitting Fit” – if you’re interested she’s offering a 20% discount when you enter the code KPCRADIO in the discount code box. Super cool!
If you would like more information about the people or programs on this show please visit:
CSUN’s Center for Achievement
Yoga for the Young at Heart – Sitting Fit
Receive a 20% DISCOUNT on Sitting Fit products because you are a listener! Just enter KPCRADIO when you check out!
by Mareo-Ahmir Lawson | Apr 26, 2011 | Spring 2011

Meditation is one method to help offset the adverse effects of stress. Today, on Thrive! – The Living Well Show, Trudy Goodman, founder of InsightLA, discussed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and the benefits of meditating. David Pohlman PhD, Co-Director of the Los Angeles Transcendental Meditation (TM) Program, explained the difference between TM and MBSR, and Diana Winston, Director of Mindfulness Education at the Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) shared information about research findings related to mindfulness meditation. All three guests discussed different ways to meditate and the benefits of each.
For more information about meditation or the programs mentioned in the program visit:
InsightLA –
Transcendental Mediation –
Mindful Valley –
Labyrinth walks (walking meditation) take place on solstices and equinoxes at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino –
by Mareo-Ahmir Lawson | Apr 26, 2011 | Spring 2011

Today on Thrive! – The Living Well Show we discussed tai chi chuan and qigong – two forms of moving meditation. Steve Barker, professor of tai chi at Pierce College and owner of Be The Change Energy Center in Woodland Hills, explained tai chi and qigong – several of Steve’s students were interviewed about their experience. Dr. Tan, an 8th generation acupuncturist from China and owner of the Art of Wellness in Santa Monica, shared the health benefits associated with tai chi and qigong. Dr. Tan also explained “chi”. Sharon Sullivan, a long time San Fernando Valley resident who has been practicing tai chi chuan for the last several years at the Porter Ranch YMCA, shared her experience with us.
For more information about Tai Chi or the organizations you heard about today visit:
Be The Change Energy Center
Art of Wellness
Porter Ranch YMCA
by Mareo-Ahmir Lawson | Apr 13, 2011 | Spring 2011
Today in news, teachers have a new way of being evaluated in LAUSD schools, mother of four drove children to death and how to relieve stress today at Pierce College.
by KPCRadio Program Director | Mar 25, 2011 | Spring 2011

Moving Meditation is a method of meditation that gets us out of heads and into our bodies. Moving meditation has many forms including yoga, tai chi, and labyrinth walking to name a few. Today on Thrive! – The Living Well Show, Victoria Nichols, owner of the Yoga Loft in Woodland Hills discussed Yoga and its benefits. Maggie Perrone, Founder of Genuine Journeys shared insights into walking a labyrinth. We ended the show with Sister Chris Machado sharing the spiritual impact that walking a labyrinth can have on an individual. This was the first show in a two part series.
For more information about moving meditation or the programs mentioned on the show visit:
The Yoga Loft –
Genuine Journeys –
Holy Spirit Retreat Center –